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Name What do you like to be called? Where are you from? Do you have any experience in politics or government? Why are you taking this class? (Constitution requirement, prospective political science major, general interest, etc.)
The use of scientific methods to study some aspect of society (human beings and their interactions). Anthropology Economics History Political Science Psychology Sociology Etc.
Study of power and the organization of power Harold Lasswell: “Who gets what, when and how.” Power: Creation and enforcement of laws and rules deciding What you have the right to do (MAY) What you have the obligation to do (MUST) What you’re prohibited from doing (MAY NOT)
Use of the scientific method to: Observe: “What’s happening?” Explain: “Why is it happening? Why is it happening that way ?” Predict: “What’s going to happen?”
Do whatever you want No rules, no laws, no restrictions Unlimited right to acquire property What’s the problem?
No way to protect your own property or otherwise prevent your rights from being violated What’s the answer?
Give up some of your complete freedom in exchange for the protection of your remaining freedom You agree not to steal, and others agree not to steal from you Are you better off? Who makes the rules and laws?
Government in a free society exists to make and enforce laws in a way that protects the rights of the people Power to make rules and laws gives you a great deal of power over others’ lives Imprisonment Taxation Etc.
Divine Right Monarch endowed by God with power Democracy People govern directly Republic/Indirect Democracy People choose leaders who make decisions Dictatorship I make the rules because I have the biggest gun.
isidewith.com/political– quiz Did your results surprise you? Theories of Power