who is present in the harmony of the Universe Our Father,
Hallowed be Your name May Your kingdom come! PEACE
May Your will be done on Earth, on the Space and on all inhabited worlds as it is in heaven!
Give us this day our daily bread for the soul and the body Forgive us our sins and imperfections TEMPTATIONS TO HIT TO LIE TO FIGHT TO STEAL TO MISTREAT TO HURT FORGIVENESS PEACE CHARITY LOVE PRECE GOSPEL
please give us the sublime feeling of forgiveness for those who sin against us! FORGIVENESS TEMPTATIONS TO HIT TO LIE TO FIGHT TO STEAL TO MISTREAT TO HURT
Let the ray of Your light sprinkle over the suffering humanity. In the name of God, Christ and charity.
Spiritist Education Formatting and Imagens: AdrianaTimón União Espírita de Peruíbe – Peruíbe/SP Music – Unknown Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.