Concepts of Truth
JESSEP You want answers? KAFFEE I think I'm entitled to them. JESSEP You want answers?! KAFFEE I want the truth.
JESSEP You can't handle the truth!
With this he went out again….
RIDDLE.1 A man lives in a tall building He lives on the 20 th floor. He can use the elevator to go from his apartment to the ground floor. He cannot use the elevator to get to his apartment from the ground floor. He can use the elevator to get to his apartment from the ground floor on rainy days.
RIDDLE.2 A man is driving fast. He turns right into an alley near his house. His car hits a boy who is playing football. He finds out that he has hit his own son. He takes him to hospital. The boy needs an operation. The surgeon looks at the boy and says: “O my God! This is my son!”
RIDDLE.3 A black man is walking in the middle of one street. He has black eyes and black hair. He is wearing a black suit and a black shirt and black socks and shoes. A car comes towards him. The driver stops in time and does not hit him.
The Correspondence Theory of Truth
I am married! A marriage certificate says so!
Problems It is a fake certificate I was once married. I am now divorced. …………..
The Coherence Theory of Truth
I am married. I lived with a man who occasionally called me “honey”! Two children who were his seemed to love me! My hair was in a mess but this man did not seem to care! I am wearing a gold ring on my finger. This man comes to visit me everyday and fights with the hospital staff to visit me.
Problems I used to work for this family. I was their maid. The children loved me. I did not like their mother. I needed money badly. I wanted to steal her ring which I finally did. She found out and we ended up fighting I killed her.
The Pragmatic Theory of Truth
I am married. I get someone to pay for my shopping!
The Personal Theory of Truth I am married because I think I am!
A Christian Approach to Truth
Truth is Absolute! Why relativism fails? 1) There are no absolute truths! 2) Everything is relative!
Truth is absolute It is unchanging. It is universal.
Truth in the Bible Old Testament In relation to objectively ascertainable facts, where truth is contrasted with what is deceitful and/or false In relation to the existential and moral, where truth is considered to be an attribute of a person or a person’s actions
Between the Testament Truth is Intellectual
New Testament Truth as Personal. Truth as that which is real and complete as opposed to that which is false and lacking. Truth as something real as opposed to mere appearance.