“Hurricane” By Bob Dylan Rubin Carter Bob Dylan Pistol shots ring out in the barroom night. Enter Patty Valentine from the upper hall. She sees the bartender in a pool of blood. Cries out, my god, they killed them all! Here comes the story of the hurricane, The man the authorities came to blame. For something that he never done. Put in a prison cell, But one time he could-a been the champion of the world. In 1976 Bob Dylan released the song “Hurricane” about boxer Rubin Carter. Rubin Carter had been imprisoned on charges of murder. Many argued that Carter was innocent, including Bob Dylan. Students will compile a list of facts about Rubin Carter gathered from Bob Dylan’s song. They will begin the process of investigating the story of Carter’s imprisonment from multiple angles and sources.
Students will watch the film “The Hurricane” They will write down a list of facts and compare that list with the information they gathered from the Bob Dylan song. Students will discuss how their interpretation of Ruben Carter’s story has changed.
Rubin on Rubin Students will study transcripts, recordings, and interviews of Rubin Carter Students will explore
Cal Deal – Believes Rubin Carter is Guilty Students will engage in research to identify and understand the arguments made by people believing Carter is guilty of the crimes he was originally convicted. Students will discuss whether any of the new information they have seen forces them to revise their previous understanding of the story. Students will discuss what other factors (race, culture, the time period) could have influenced people’s perspectives on the case.
Songs of Protest Neil Young Pete Seeger Nina Simone Marvin Gaye Students will research examples of protest in popular music. Students will discuss examples of protest in song. Students will also write short papers analyzing the lyrical form of one protest song.
Altering Dylan Based on the original song, the film, and their research students will write short stories. These stories will function as the students’ own accounts of what they believe happened. The End