How Much Does A Hurricane Weigh? How Much Does A Hurricane Weigh? As reported by Robert Krulwich Robert KrulwichRobert Krulwich on Morning Edition on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Copyright ©2010 National Public Radio®
Powerpoint Presentation By Claire E. Watts By Claire E. Watts
Do you know how much a hurricane weighs? The water in a regular cumulous (cume-u-lus) cloud weighs about 216 thousand pounds. (216,000 lbs!)
Do you now how much a hurricane weighs? The water in a regular cloud weighs about 216 thousand pounds. (216,000 lbs) The water in a regular cloud weighs about 216 thousand pounds. (216,000 lbs) That’s about two-thirds of a blue whale.
Cumulonimbus (cume-u-low-nim-bus) Cumulonimbus clouds are the dark storm clouds. Cumulonimbus clouds are the dark storm clouds. An average Cumulonimbus cloud weighs approximately million pounds, or 358 Blue Whales! An average Cumulonimbus cloud weighs approximately million pounds, or 358 Blue Whales! equals 358 of these. 1 of these,
Hurricanes Hurricanes carry 108 billion pounds of water. That’s 108,000,000,000 pounds OR 360,000 Blue Whales. 360,000 Blue Whales. That is more Blue Whales than live on the earth.
Hurricanes share all that water by Raining
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