How to Use THMP to Identify risk and what to do next


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Presentation transcript:

How to Use THMP to Identify risk and what to do next Texas Geographic Society Presentation 1 of 2 Roddy Seekins The Texas Hazard Mitigation Package (THMP): An Internet-based GIS Data Distribution Tool Intro How to Use THMP to Identify risk and what to do next

To show/provide home page URL,

THMP Map Viewers [ Internet Mapping ] Intro to Map Viewers and the 3 “viewing/mapping” options: 1 Summary option (Hazard Summary), 2 Detail options (Weather & Non Weather). Note: A variety of Base Map data is included in all 3 Viewers THMP Map Viewers [ Internet Mapping ]

SUMMARY DATA: Number of hazard occurrences (frequency) over reported period of time, summarized by county – and mapped into 4 classes (5 counting “0”) Summary data is provided for 10 different hazards: Hurricanes & Tropical Storms Tornadoes Floods Other Storms Drought Outdoor Fires Extreme Temperatures Earthquakes Hazardous Materials Subsidence For the 10 hazards, Weather and Non Weather are “combined” for the Summary Viewer

Hurricanes: 1851 - 2001 Map 1: Hurricanes: Layer List shown w/ Data Layer visible (checkmark) and active (button on & highlighted) Hurricanes: 1851 - 2001

Hurricanes & Tropical Storms 1851 - 2001 Hurricanes and Tropical Storms data layers shown at the same time. This is a rare example of it being OK to overlay 2 hazards (but these are closely related). Otherwise, it is typically not wise to do so – because the data will become obscured Hurricanes & Tropical Storms 1851 - 2001

Map 3: Floods Layer List displayed; Data Layer visible & active Floods: 1961 - 1999

Floods: 1961 – 1999 Map 3 ZOOM: Legend and Attribute Table Displayed Ex. Blanco county selected; 13 Floods = Class 2 on map Floods: 1961 – 1999

Other Storms 1955-2003: Identify = Travis County

DETAIL DATA: Hazard occurrences by actual location of event (if available), hazard risk zones, and other significant data used in identification and quantification of hazard risk Detail data is provided for the same 10 hazard categories, separated into Weather-related and Non Weather-related: Weather-related Hazards Hurricanes & Tropical Storms Tornadoes Floods Other Storms Drought Outdoor Fires Extreme Temperatures Non Weather-related Hazards Earthquakes Hazardous Materials Subsidence Reminder that Detail data and the corresponding Map Viewers break hazards data into Weather & Non Weather

BASE MAPS: Reference geography to overlay with hazards Base maps are provided for 6 different categories: Administrative Boundaries Transportation Hydrography Landscape Population Weather-base data Reminder that a variety of Base Map data is provided for all 3 Map Viewers, but the 2 Detail Map Viewers have substantially more.

Map 4 ZOOM: Ex. Hurricane Celia selected (direct hit to Port Aransas in 1970) was a Cat 3 on Saffir-Simpson scale Category 3 = 111–130 mph winds; approx. 9–12 ft. surge Hurricane Tracks: 1851-2001

Hurricane Risk Zones Map 5 ZOOM: Ex. Center of Corpus Christi selected; Risk Zone = 3 Risk zone 3 correlates to a Hurricane category 3 impact Hurricane Risk Zones

THMP 1.0 Data Layers Currently, there are 59 GIS data layers available to map online, download or stream into your own GIS/mapping system Hazards: Weather-related Hurricanes & Tropical Storms Hurricanes: 1851-2001 Tropical/Subtropical Storms: 1851-2001 Hurricane Tracks: 1851-2001 Hurricane Risk Zones Hurricane Evacuation Routes Tornadoes Tornadoes (F3-F5): 1950-2003 Tornadoes (F1-F5): 1950-2003 Tornado Risk Zones Tornado Events (F3-F5): 1950-2003 Tornado Events (F1-F5): 1950-2003 3. Floods Floods: 1961-1999 Flood Events (Major): 1905-2001 Flood Events: 1993-2003 Flood Risk Zones 4. Other Storms Other Storms: 1955-2003 Wind Risk Zones Other Storm Events: 1994-2003 Outdoor Fires Outdoor Fires: 2000-2003 Outdoor Fire Risk Zones Drought Drought (Months): 1976-2003 Drought Events: 1996-2003 Extreme Temperatures Extreme Heat (Days): 1980-2003 Extreme Cold (Days): 1980-2003 Part 1 of 3: Show-off the amount of data THMP contains AND reveal the 3 categories: Weather (7 hazard categories), Non Weather (3 hazard categories) and Base Maps (6 categories) ..We’ve shown how to use this data online (via THMP/ArcIMS Servers).

Data Layer List …continued Hazards: Non Weather-related 8. Earthquakes Earthquakes: 1882-1985 Earthquake Epicenters: 1882-1985 Earthquake Risk Zones 9. Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials (All): 2004 Hazardous Waste Sites: 2004 Radioactive Waste Sites: 2004 Superfund Sites: 2004 Hazardous Cargo Routes 10. Subsidence Subsidence (Feet): 1918-1975 Subsidence Risk Zones Part 2 of 3: …THMP Data Layers continued…

Data Layer List …continued Base Maps Administrative Boundaries U.S. Mexico Council of Government Districts Counties Cities GDEM Disaster Districts Parks Transportation Interstate Highways Major Highways Hydrography River Basins Lakes & Reservoirs (Large-scale) Lakes & Reservoirs (Small-scale) Rivers and Streams Major Aquifers Minor Aquifers 4. Landscape Elevation Soils 5. Population Population (County): 2000 Population (Tract): 2000 Population (Block Group): 2000 Population (Block): 2000 Population (County): 2005 Estimate Population (County): 2010 Projection 6. Weather-base data Average Annual Precipitation Average Annual Temperature Part 3 of 3: …THMP Data Layers continued…

Data Layer Description Page: Ex. Hurricanes All Hazard categories (and Base Map categories) have their own devoted page containing all the data layers pertaining to that hazard You may link directly to the Map Viewer (to see that specific data layer already activated), view Metadata, Download the data or link to the native data Source Ex. Hurricane ‘Data Layer Description’ page Data Layer Description Page: Ex. Hurricanes

Data Layer Description page: Ex. Metadata

Other THMP Pages User Resources Quick Start Tutorial Training Support Groups Presentations Links Reference Materials Other Maps & Data Real-Time Data

Using THMP Data Outside of THMP Map Viewers Download (data layers) Shapefile (.shp)* format compatible with many Geographic Information Systems ZIP file includes Metadata, user notes and other valuable info Stream (data layers) Internet Server connection THMP-ArcGIS …Now we explain that THMP data can be used outside of the THMP/ArcIMS Servers via download or streaming into your own GIS * Shapefile is a proprietary ESRI format

Data Layer Description page: Ex. Download

Streaming THMP data from Map Viewers using ArcGIS: Connecting to

Streaming THMP data from Map Viewers using ArcGIS: Population (County): 2010 Estimate

Texas Geographic Society Phase 2 of the Grant 1. Enhancing and expanding Adding information on other Hazards Adding Population and Property Value vulnerability maps 2. Training Providing THMP and HAZUS courses around the state. 3. Coordination and Outreach Supporting key organizations Working through related organizations Building and Umbrella Group (HAMMER-TECH) * Texas Geographic Society (Roddy Seekins and Craig Eissler) will become HAZUS-certified in Spring 2005 through the Vendor Training Program

1. Enhancing and expanding A. Additional/Updated Hazards Coastal Erosion Dam Failure Flood Risk Zones B. Adding Asset Vulnerability Population Vulnerability to Hazards Property Value Vulnerability to Hazards

Additional Hazards: Coastal Erosion There are so many “points” along the ocean-side coast, they appear as a solid red line, …but they’re really like the inland-side red points. See Zoom level, next slide Gulf of Mexico Overview: part of Texas coastline

Coastal Erosion Zoom: Meters/Feet per year of erosion

80 available Counties in THMP; 174 to go! Additional/Updated Hazards: Flood Risk Zones: Completing statewide coverage 80 available Counties in THMP; 174 to go!

B. Asset Vulnerability: Vulnerability = Exposure / Hazard Risk Zone Vulnerable areas are displayed and classified by census geography (Block or Census Tract) where Hazard Risk Zones intersect Exposed Assets (Population, Property Value) Hazard Risk Zone Exposure (ex. Population) THMP Data Layers: Population Vulnerability (Total Pop, Total Pop Density) Property Value Vulnerability (Total Property Value, Total Property Value Density) …for 5 Hazards [Hurricane, Floods, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Subsidence]

Population Vulnerability to Hurricanes Corpus Christi Bay Gulf of Mexico Overview: Corpus Christi area

Population Vulnerability to Hurricanes Risk Zone 1 Risk Zone 2 Risk Zone 3 Several vulnerable areas; None-to-Low vulnerability in downtown area

Population Vulnerability to Floods Overview: Austin area

Population Vulnerability to Floods vulnerable area! …may need further investigation

THMP to HAZUS Provides a complex, desktop application (at a cost?) to: Provides easy-to-use, online application (free) to: Identify historical hazard occurrences actual hazard event locations summarized by county Identify hazard risk areas Determine relative vulnerability (to population and property value) HAZUS Provides a complex, desktop application (at a cost?) to: Quantify the impact of a specified hazard event Perform damage assessment and loss estimation analysis …Study case may be identified in HAZUS, pre-determined by local experts and related information or by vulnerable areas previously determined in THMP

What is HAZUS-MH? HAZUS-MH is a planning tool that estimates damage and losses from natural hazards It is a planning tool, NOT an engineering tool Engineering-level data (i.e. Hydrology & Hydraulic studies for Flood modeling) can be input to increase accuracy, but results still produce planning-level estimations It estimates physical damage & economic losses It assesses population needs related to emergency management It allows users to compare results from different study case scenarios, including those that result from specific mitigation actions (useful for benefits analysis)

HAZUS-MH: Technical Components Software: Custom GIS (geographic information system) Runs on ESRI products; ArcGIS and Spatial Analyst ESRI products must be acquired separately Spatial Analyst required for Flood Model only HAZUS-MH is free from FEMA <> Current HAZUS-MH version (MR1) runs on ArcGIS 9.x Previous HAZUS-MH version runs on ArcGIS 8.x Data: National data sets Inventory of assets (buildings, infrastructure, population/demographics, etc.) Users may modify data sets or model factors Users may add their own data Project team: Sponsored by FEMA Management by the National Institute of Building Sciences Technical oversight by Committees for earthquake, wind, flood and software Technical development and testing by consultants User involvement throughout development

Applications in Mitigation Planning & Emergency Management Emergency Preparedness Response & Recovery HAZUS-MH Loss Reduction (Mitigation)

Emergency Preparedness Develop emergency response plans Temporary housing Debris removal Emergency power and water Emergency medical services Evacuation/emergency route clearance Organize response exercises

Loss Reduction (Mitigation) Mitigation Assessment Identify ‘at-risk’ communities Mitigation Measures Strengthen existing structures Strengthen window/door openings and siding Mitigation Programs Adopt and enforce hazard-resistant building codes Land use planning

Response and Recovery Post-disaster damage assessment and ground- truthing Response planning for critical transportation outages Identify critical infrastructure Recovery action planning Long-term economic recovery planning

HAZUS-MH: Digital Elevation Model & Stream Generation Ex. Travis County being prepared for Hydrologic and Hydraulic analysis

HAZUS-MH: Compute Hydrology & Hydraulics Flood area polygon (100-yr return) & Flood depth grid for selected stream This is our Study Case; same area identified in THMP

HAZUS-MH: Analysis Damage Assessment: (ex. Residential Buildings) Number of Residential Buildings in each Census Block (of Study Area) with 1 – 10% structural damage

Although damage was light (1-10%) for most residential buildings, HAZUS-MH: Damage Assessment: (ex. Residential Buildings) Mapped Although damage was light (1-10%) for most residential buildings, many were impacted – particularly in one Census Block. The previous THMP population vulnerability map indicated this potential

HAZUS-MH: Analysis: ex. General Building Stock / Loss Estimate Total economic loss can calculated for impacted area or single Census Block The previously identified Block totals 10,530,000 economic loss

HAZUS-MH: Other Notes Results can be viewed & mapped many different ways Including running mitigation scenarios to compare results Inventory includes many different classifications of general building stock (by occupancy, by building type), essential facilities (several types), transportation systems (several types), demographics and more… Local data and more sophisticated HAZUS techniques enhance the analysis

FEMA Resources HAZUS-MH Overview Resources Conference Information FAQs

2. Training Training courses in 2005, include: THMP HAZUS-MH Custom & FEMA standardized Intro to GIS for THMP & HAZUS Users …Other FEMA-based courses (coming soon) Methods of delivery include: Instructor-led, Computer-based training Online Tutorials Demonstrations / Presentations Note: When appropriate, courses will coincide with other related conferences and training programs * Texas Geographic Society (Roddy Seekins and Craig Eissler) will become HAZUS-certified in Spring 2005 through the Vendor Training Program

Texas GIS Forum (April) Texas Hurricane Conference (May) Texas Geographic Society TRAINING PROGRAM Instructor-led, Computer-based Training for Hazard Mitigation & Emergency Managers Professionals Training Options: THMP [] Texas Hazard Mitigation Package (THMP; pronounced “thump”) is an online mapping system from TXGS for displaying historical hazard occurrences, identifying relative risk areas and assessing vulnerabilities to population and property. THMP is also a geographic data distribution tool for other mapping/GIS systems. Course is designed to introduce all people to an easy-to-use, free application HAZUS HAZUS-MH is a custom GIS planning tool from FEMA used for damage assessment and loss estimation from real or potential disasters Introductory and advanced courses focused on Flood and Hurricane modules (*ArcGIS required) Intro to GIS [for THMP & HAZUS Users] ArcGIS 9.0 is a geographic information system (GIS) from ESRI used for a multitude of applications, including hazard mitigation and emergency response Course is designed at an introductory level for THMP & HAZUS Users The Texas Geographic Society is pleased to announce a new Training Program aimed at professionals that need to more effectively mitigate, manage and respond to hazards using application-specific information and mapping technology. The courses are intended to be free or provided at a minimal cost. 2005 Schedule Texas GIS Forum (April) Texas Hurricane Conference (May) …Stay tuned for many new training workshops held at hazard-related venues (June – Dec) For more information or registration, please contact the Texas Geographic Society at: or 512-912-9695.

Technical Support (at TNRIS) Texas Geographic Society Executive Director Roddy Seekins 512-507-8515   Education Coordinator Craig Eissler 512-912-9695 Technical Support (at TNRIS) Miguel Pavón 512-463-8399