They begin as a tropical storm. They also start over warm water off the Central American and Mexican Cost. The center of the hurricane is called the eye. The center winds move between a speed of 74 and 200 miles per hour. They can also form near the Atlantic and begin near Africa.
Warm air rises and cool air comes behind it to take its place. As the earth spins, the wind moves.
This shows how hurricanes forms in the outside.
how hurricanes form tttp:// water/Hurricanes/ ml. WWe found our resources from “How hurricanes form?”
Hurricanes are found around the North Atlantic & South Pacific Ocean. Also found around low-lying coast in a low latitude on the western side of the Atlantic, North Pacific, or the western side of the South Pacific.
Georgia Florida North Carolina South Carolina Louisiana Alabama Rhode Island Some Places that were hit by Hurricanes include:
1. Hurricane Basics: Why Do Hurricanes Form and Where Are They Found? urricane/312.htm 2. Hurricanes aldisaste/hurrican.htm
Hurricane Season begins June 1 st and will end November 30 th. June 2009 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday May Printable CalendarsPrintable CalendarsJuly 2009 Begins November 2009 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday October 2009 Printable CalendarsPrintable Calendars December 2009 Ends
Saffir-Simpson Scale
Category Wind Speed (mph) Storm Surge (ft) How many miles per hour is the wind going? How many feet high is the wave?
Hurricane Dean Wind Speed of 175 mph Category 5 Hurricane Charley Wind Speed of 150 mph Category 4 Hurricane Bertha Wind Speed of 125 mph Category 3
Can You Name the Category? Hurricane Dolly Wind Speed of 100 mph Category 1 Hurricane Hanna Wind Speed of 85 mph Category 2
1.Hurricane Carla killed 43 people. 2.The hurricane landed in Texas. 3.Hurricane Carla was a category 5 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale.
1.Hurricane Betsy had killed 72 people. 2.Betsy had hit in Louisiana 3.Betsy caused up 1.42 billion in damage. 4.Hurricane nickname is billion-dollar Betsy. Damage by Hurricane Betsy
1.Hurricane Camille was the third strongest tropical storm. 2.The hurricane was a category 5 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. 3.Camille hit in Virgina..
1. Hurricane hit Texas. 2. The hurricane caused $400 million in damages. 3. Hurricane Celia was a category 3 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. Damage by Hurricane Celia
Hurricane Betsy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hurricane Carla
Hurricane's were named by an Australian news forecaster in the 19 century. He named each hurricane by a political figure that he disliked. He used the figures on his weather prediction for the public. Experts used longitude –latitude. They used position to described hurricane's. They used names to remember the hurricanes. They suggested to give the hurricanes “female” names that were initiated by the 1941 novel by George r. Stewart called “storm.”
IIn order to track and report on storms the naming system was developed. Major Hurricane names: Felix, Andrew, Donna Anita, Hugo, Ivan, Katrina, and Ike
AAtlantic Hurricanes Wikipedia h
There are six basic items that should be in every Disaster Safety Kit: Extra clothing/bedding Can foods First-aid supplies Tools & emergency supplies Water Other special items By: Dallas & Giovanni
CANNED FOOD You need can food if electricity goes out from power lines being blown over by a hurricane. CLOTHING & BEDDING You need clothing because your cloths might get wet, or get ripped. You need bedding incase you need to sleep in a shelter. FIRST AID SUPPLIES First aid kits have band aids, ointments and pain pills that will help you with injuries. CAN OPENER THE can opener is used for opening your canned food so that you can eat. Water bottle You need water with you in a hurricane because without your bottled water you would not have anything to drink and you would eventually get thirsty.