Cloud Disaster Recovery
Typical Business Challenges How much does it cost me to have my IT environment off-line, and how quickly does my disaster recovery failover IT environment come on-line? How can I implement an affordable disaster recovery plan without capital expenditure, and not overloading my IT staff? Does my disaster recovery plan adequately protect my servers data and applications from man-made and natural disasters? Does the location of my disaster recovery servers provide enough geographic diversity to protect me from a widespread disaster? How can I squeeze the maximum amount of useful life out of may CAPEX investments with out the risk of outages? What happens when my aging servers reach end of life and need repairs or replacements?
Can You afford a Disaster? Organizations have experienced application and data loss over the past year 4 100% Forty-three percent of companies that experience a major data loss do not reopen 1 43% 80% Companies are out of business within two years of experiencing a major data loss 3 51% Companies that do not rebound from a data loss within one month are likely to go out of business in the near future 2 Sources: 1. DTI/Price Waterhouse Coopers 2. Bernstein Crisis Management 3. University of Texas Center for Research on Information Systems) 4. CA Technologies survey 12/2011 Cause of lost data was IT systems failure 4 78%
Super Storm Sandy had Widespread Impact 650,000 houses destroyed or damaged 8.5 million without power for weeks Severe damage to businesses in NJ 19,000 NJ businesses sustained damage of $250K or more Total business losses at $8.3 billion Disasters Strike without Warning Source: Tropical Cyclone Report Hurricane Sandy (AL182012)
More Frequent Extreme Hurricane surges in the future 1 Frequency to increase 10 times in coming decades Chance of Katrina magnitude hurricanes have doubled 1: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 3/18/ forecast: 18 Tropical Storms – 9 will become Hurricanes Typical year has 12 Tropical Storms, 7 are Hurricanes 2013 Atlantic Hurricane Season 2 2: Colorado State University – Tropical Meteorology Project, April 2013
Operational Outages a Greater Threat A regional disasters is only one type of event that impacts downtime IDC Business Continuity Study The greatest threats came from power outages, security, and telecommunications failures Near majority had to initiate an application or data recovery in past 12 months Only 10% had to activate a data center recovery Only 6% experienced a facility loss. Source: IDC, The State of Business Continuity in End-User Environments in 2011, doc #227783; April, 2011"
Disaster recovery of your data, applications and operating systems. An affordable cloud based server that replicates your primary server environment and can be quickly scaled to fully replace your primary servers to get your business back up and running. An Affordable Solution
Take advantage of the Cloud Disaster recovery protection of data, applications and operating systems Continuous real-time replication Supports multiple IT environments - physical and virtual servers Minimal expense for replication server environment, no CAPEX Pre-configure failover environment – only pay for full resources if needed Geographic diversity in the event of a widespread disaster Recovery from any outage though a single console Your data is secure in EarthLink Data Centers SSAE 16 compliant data centers and certified security staff Cloud Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery protection Protection from man-made accidents, power outages, natural disasters, and server crashes Failovers executed in less than 4 hours Includes Platinum level of Managed Services Provides customized event notification Flexible post recovery options: –Maintain the Cloud Hosted failover as new ongoing source platform –Reestablish on-site as new failover, backing up the new Cloud Hosted platform –Revert to original DR configuration – migrate data to new on-site servers, scale back Cloud Hosting to replication only
Cloud Disaster Recovery Continuous data, application and OS replication Replication and failover that continuously captures byte-level changes as they occur Worry Free replication – automated and transparent (non-disruptive) –Applications remain online and users stay productive
Cloud Disaster Recovery Replication server requires minimal resources Affordable disaster recovery protection Use existing WAN connections No CAPEX investments required Purchase minimum of 1 vCPU with 2GB RAM for replication Purchase enough storage capacity to support source server capacity Specify full configuration of virtual resources that will be spun-up in event of a failover – only pay for full configuration for period activated Ability to revert from failover to primary servers post event
Cloud Disaster Recovery Support for multiple IT environments Hardware and application independent – supporting any HW/SW configuration Application-level or full-server failover options Protects leading software apps: Exchange, SQL Server, SharePoint, and more MS Windows 2003 and 2008 R2 certified Protects both physical and virtual servers Platinum level of managed services included for full support
Cloud Disaster Recovery Our Competitive Advantages Next Generation Cloud Geographic Diversity Private MPLS Connectivity
Delivers value to your business: Protecting your mission-critical data applications and OS Rapid recovery of your IT Environment Minimal IT expenses