USCG Hurricane Response & HMS BOUNTY SAR Case North Carolina 2013 All-Hazards Conference 12 March 2013 CDR Tim Cummins– Deputy Sector Commander LT Kevin Sullivan – Sector NC Command Center Chief
Hurricane Response Overview Command Structure Assets/Capabilities Missions Partners
Command Structure ICS Structure Decision Point Scalability Interoperability
Assets/Capabilities Sector Assets Surge Capabilities Personnel Reservists Assets Aviation Cutters ATON Strike Teams Facility Support
Missions SAR Limitations Inland/Coastal/Offshore Missions Marine Transportation System Recovery (MTSR) Ferry System Ports (Disaster Recovery Supplies) Aids to Navigation (ATON) Marine Environmental Protection (MEP) Law Enforcement Ports, Waterways and Coastal Security (PWCS)
Missions: Inland SAR Hoist capable helos MH-60 MH-65 High Water Rescue Swift Water Rescue Communications (800 MHz) Tertiary Cell Phone ARES
Missions: Marine Environmental Protection
Missions: MTSR/ATON
Stray Buoys
Partners Federal Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Protection Agency State/County/Local State/Eastern Branch/County EOC’s & 911 Centers Coastal Municipalities (Fire/Police/EMS) NCDOT Bridges/Ferry Divisions NC Wildlife/Marine Patrol Industry State Ports Pilots
Partnerships: ACOE/EPA
Emergency Ferry Routes
HMS BOUNTY SAR Case Challenges
Timeline (all times local) Sunday 28 OCT 2130: SCC receives via agent that HMS BOUNTY w/ 16POB is disabled and T.O.W. 90NM SE of Cape Hatteras. SCC is unable to establish direct comms with vessel SCC Requests C-130 from A/S E-City to investigate. ~2330: C-130 on-scene, establishes comms. Overnight the C-130 remains on-scene, provides comms link as situation worsens. SCC coordinated plan to abandon ship after sunrise.
Timeline Continued Monday: 0426: Vessel capsizes crew forced to abandon ship 0430: SCC requests A/S E-City launch 2 MH-60’s 0641: CG-6012 on-scene, hoisting one survivor 0756: CG-6012 BINGO, 5 survivors o/b 0856: CG-6031 BINGO, 9 survivors o/b ~0900: SCC determines 2 crewmembers remain missing, begins search planning. 1638: CG-6043 recovers 1 unresponsive PIW in search area. Tuesday 1632: Transferred SMC to D5 Friday 1830: D5 grants ACTSUS
Debris 30NM
SAR EFFORT STAT SHEET CASE TOTALS: Total area (SQNM): Total track miles: Searches Conducted - 22 H-60 – 5 C-130 – 7 C ELM – 3 GALLATIN - 5 Total Sorties 19 Investigation and Hearing Pending
Contacts SCC 24x7: LT Sullivan