AIM: How prepared would you be if another “Sandy” hit our area? Do Now: Do you remember how you prepared for Sandy? Think about your experience and jot down some memories (good or bad) that you remember from this storm.
Definition of Hurricane An intense tropical weather system with a well defined circulation and maximum sustained winds of 74 mph (64 knots) or higher. In the western Pacific, hurricanes are called "typhoons," and similar storms in the Indian Ocean are called "cyclones."
Tropical Storm An organized system of strong thunderstorms with a defined circulation and maximum sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph (34-63 knots).
Tropical Depression An organized system of clouds and thunderstorms with a defined circulation and maximum sustained winds of 38 mph (33 knots) or less.
October 29-30, 2012 In 2012, Long Island was hit with a Hurricane that did not drop a lot of rain but affected us by bringing a lot of 1. High Wind 2. Storm Surge An Astronomical high tide, (Full Moon) added to the high sea’s.
Storm Surge
Affected areas The East Coast: 1.North Carolina 2.Virginia 3.Maryland 4.Delaware 5.New Jersey 6.New York 7.Connecticut 8.Rhode Island
But it also affected Cuba Jamaica Bahamas And other parts of the carribbean
Sandy’s position on Wednesday, October 24
Off the coast of Florida, October 29th
Barrier Beach
Long Islands Barrier Beaches
Long Island
Outer Banks, NC
Corolla, NC
Down Town, New York
Queens, New York
Staten Island, NY
The Rockaways
Long Beach
Lets look at before and after’s ws/nov12/ngs-sandy-imagery.html ws/nov12/ngs-sandy-imagery.html
According to NOAA Estimated the death count from Sandy at 147 direct deaths. In the United States, the storm was associated with 72 direct deaths in eight states: 48 in New York 12 in New Jersey, 5 in Connecticut 2 each in Virginia and Pennsylvania 1 each in New Hampshire, West Virginia, and Maryland The storm also resulted in at least 75 indirect deaths (i.e., related to unsafe or unhealthy conditions that existed during the evacuation phase, occurrence of the hurricane, or during the post-hurricane/clean-up phase).
Writing Assignment Please write 3 or more paragraphs on your experience with Sandy. Please include how the storm affected you personally, your family your friends. Please make sure in your closing paragraph you include how you could better prepare for another storm, should we have one.