Summary This book is about Hurricane Katrina coming through a town, eventually it reaches Barry’s neighborhood. Then Barry and his family have to go up into the attic to stay safe. Soon they notice that the water is rising, so they go to the top of the roof. Then Barry is blown off and has to get him and the dog he found to safety in a broken down house. Soon they fall out of the house and half to go to another house for safety. Then someone finally rescues them and Barry finds his family.
My Favorite Part My favorite part was when Barry went into a broken house and found a dog named Cruz. At first, he thought the dog was mean so he didn’t really trust him. Soon he finds the dog is nice and Berry gives him water. Then Cruz falls into the water, so Berry has to chase him down.
Recommendation I recommend this book to book to 4 th and 5 th graders who have read other books like this one. I also recommend this book to those who like storms and/or historical fiction. It is a great series and gives you facts within a story.
Questions for the Characters After reading the book, I would ask Barry, “After the storm, did you find the comic that had Akivo and his star that you drew?” I am also curious to know if you are ever moving back to your hometown? Lastly, I would want to ask, “Do you think you will ever see your best friend again?”