Overview of Animal Emergency Management Initiatives, Resources & Tools March 15, 2012
Hurricane Katrina Sea Change ◦ American public watched as people died ◦ PETS Act & PKEMRA amend Stafford Act to consider pets in emergency planning and response ◦ Watershed moment – expanded planning for needs of disaster survivors National Response Framework (2008) ◦ Adds “safety and well-being of pets” to ESF 11 ◦ Pets mission - Collaboration between FEMA and USDA / APHIS / Animal Care
Primary Federal Partners ◦ FEMA Statutory authority (Stafford Act) Resources ◦ USDA / APHIS / Animal Care Federal government’s “subject matter experts” on animal welfare Staff of veterinarians, animal care inspectors Regulate facilities covered under Animal Welfare Act (includes breeders, exhibitors, transporters, research facilities) ◦ HHS – Veterinary Resources (NVRT, VMRC, USPHS)
Collaboration in Preparedness ◦ National Alliance of State Animal & Agricultural Emergency Programs (NASAAEP) Includes State level entities with authority, resources for animal response ◦ National Animal Rescue & Sheltering Coalition (NARSC) Includes leading national NGOs with resources for animal response ◦ Federal Animal Emergency Management Working Group (FAEMWG) Includes Federal agencies with authority and capabilities for animal response
Collaboration in Preparedness ◦ NASAAEP Summit on Animal Emergency Management Best Practice Resource Library EMAC-able resources ◦ NARSC “Surge” capability for response – MOU with one gets all Training on operational aspects of animal response from national subject matter experts Assistance with assessment, plan development AVMA – Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams
NASAAEP Best Practice Working Groups ◦ Animal Search & Rescue ◦ Evacuation & Transportation ◦ Emergency Animal Sheltering ◦ Disaster Veterinary Care ◦ Animal Decontamination ◦ Planning & Resource Management ◦ Preparedness & Community Outreach ◦ Training ZAHN Best Practice Working Group ◦ Zoological Best Practices in Emergency Mgmt
Collaboration in Preparedness ◦ NIMS Animal Emergency Response Working Group ◦ Interagency Board for Equipment Standardization & Interoperability SEL/AEL ◦ On the horizon: Standardized Reporting Template – Improved Situational Awareness Review of FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy
Collaboration in Response ◦ Animal Multi-Agency Coordination System (MAC) Provides coordination resources, where needed, to support animal response Local State EOC (or Ag EOC) FEMA IMAT RRCC, JFO NRCC Fully integrated with emergency management structure Can be activated through ESF 6 or 11 Can be single resource or team
Collaboration in Response ◦ The many faces of Animal MAC – flexible, scalable NLE 2011 Pets MAC Unit, RRCC support, SEOC support Mississippi River Flooding (LA & MS) NGO coordination with States Joplin Tornado FEMA IMAT Missouri & Souris River Flooding Technical Assistance for zoo evacuations Hurricane Irene Pets MAC Unit, NRCC support, FEMA IMAT
How to reach us ◦ Anne McCann ◦ Ty Vannieuwenhoven