This 10 acre salt-water marsh is at the center of a unique Warwick neighborhood
where land and sea meet.
By working cooperatively with neighbors, city, state and federal agencies, we can preserve and restore one of Warwick’s major environmental and economic assets.
Why Preserve The Conimicut Point Marsh?
Reduce the city’s damage from flooding
Decrease Warwick’s exposure to potential hurricane damage Decrease Warwick’s exposure to potential hurricane damage
Provide valuable habitat for wild life
Reduce pollution in Warwick’s coastal waters
Increase property values
Conimicut Lighthouse
Conimicut Point
Buckeye Brook
Mill Cove
The Riverview Barrier Spit
Conimicut Village
Connect these unique assets
Which results in an investment for all Warwick residents
A Warwick Land Trust Presentation Produced by Mill Cove Conservancy Warwick Land Trust Credits Bill Derrig Leslie Oh Maryellen Snyder Tom Wilson