Laughing Facts Humans start laughing at age 4 months The Average American Child Laughs ~ 200 Times a Day Adults Laugh About 15 times
Health Benefits of Laughter Lower Blood Pressure Increase vascular blood flow Reduce stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline
More Health Benefits of Laughter………. Increase in memory and learning; In a study at Johns Hopkins University, humor during instruction led to increased test scores Defense against respiratory infections
Promotes Good Mood & Laughter Used in New York After Hurricane Sandy Classes Cropping Up All Over yoga-helps-people-cope-with-hurricane-sandy&catid=125:latest-&Itemid=275 A New Way to Laugh and Get Fit
Theories About Laughter Superiority Theory: We laugh at jokes that focus on someone else's mistakes stupidity or misfortune I’m naturally blonde- please speak slowly
Theories About Humor Incongruity Theory: When logic and familiarity are replaced by things that normally don’t go together
Theories About Humor Relief Theory: Comic relief-often used in movies
LAUGH-for the health of it!