IMHO Year in Review: Building Health Systems & Addressing Vital Humanitarian Needs Nanda Nanthakumar, PhD IMHO Board of Directors
The Genesis of a Movement… 2003 The idea of IMHO is born 2004 First health care centers in Sri Lanka open 2005 Major tsunami relief efforts undertaken & volunteer teams descend 2009 IMHO launches major relief efforts in final stages of civil conflict years and $3.6M of relief & development assistance
Why do we do this work? Our collective motivation & vision for a better tomorrow Our shared humanitarian duty We are building more than just an organization Message of hope Thousands of lives have been positively impacted by our shared efforts
Persistent Challenges in Sri Lanka Livelihoods/Empowerment Hospital Development (strengthening systems & infrastructure) Water & Sanitation Mental Health & Neuro-Developmental Disorders Rehabilitation for Amputees Primary Care Non-communicable diseases care and management
Serving Resettled Communities
War, poverty, and natural disasters don’t discriminate…and neither do we IMHO has supported communities in need in 15 countries since our inception
Lives Forever Impacted A statistic is merely a number, but the measure of one life is unquantifiable
2012 Efforts & Financials EXPENSES Programs: $291,479 In-Kind Gifts: $71,050
2012 Geographic Focus
2013 Efforts & Financials EXPENSES Programs: $384,478
2013 Geographic Focus
Hurricane Sandy Relief (2012/2013): $5,000 Assisting residents of New York & New Jersey affected by Hurricane Sandy: $5,000
Ethiopia Deaf Education: $7,903 Deaf advocacy materials support Hiring a deaf teacher & deaf program coordinator in Bahir Dar
Ethiopia Service Trip 2-week service trip in August 2013 with 12 volunteers
Haiti Development Efforts: $3,890 Team volunteer visits to medical clinic Providing a regular breakfast to school children
Philippines Typhoon Relief: $5,000 For victims of Typhoon Haiyan
India Flood Relief: $2,500 For flood victims in Uttarakhand
Livelihoods Support: $22,601 Throughout NE Sri Lanka
Three-Wheeler Livelihoods Support for Paraplegics: $116,200 For benefit of paraplegics and their families throughout NE Sri Lanka
Children’s Education & Support: $29,559 Student hostel renovations Children’s home improvements & toilets Distribution of shoes and socks to hundreds of children Financial assistance to students in Kilinochchi Bicycles
Vocational Training Center: $25,388 For training of young adults in Batticaloa
Mental Health: $32,651 Facility renovations and improvements at National Institute of Mental Health Multi-disciplinary mental health team in Tellipalai Ongoing support for facilities and services at Kalmunai Rehab Unit Initial autism project support
Handicap Toilets: $10,575 Constructing specially accessible toilets for the benefit of disabled persons and their families
Amputee Rehab & Support: $19,380 Physiotherapy Wheelchairs and mobility devices Support for key local partners committed to serving these vulnerable persons
Mobile Clinics: $9,491 Ongoing support for mobile clinics in Moolai and Sandilipay
Hospital Development: $84,068 Batticaloa Teaching Hospital Jaffna Teaching Hospital Kalmunai Base Hospital Kurunegala Teaching Hospital
Batticaloa Hospital Development: $15,750 Motorcycles for community services transportation
Kurunegala Hospital Development: $5,000 Renovation of women’s orthopedic ward
Jaffna Hospital Development: $49,137 Ongoing Diabetic Center Support & Development Equipment Patient Services Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Staff Salaries Dental Care
Kalmunai Hospital Development: $14,181 Mental Health Rehab Unit, staff salaries, capacity- building, etc.
Next Steps: We Need Your Support! 1.Continued support for paraplegics through three- wheeler livelihoods support program 2.Establish a Center for Neurological Disorders (including autism and spectrum related disorders) 3.Provide a bus to provide regular transportation for patients in/around Jaffna to cancer center in Tellipalai 4.Provide ultrasound scanners for screening/treating obstetric patients in Vanni & Jaffna 5.Continued support for livelihoods development efforts
“The highest prayer in this world is service, the greatest devotion is loving the people around us: and the noblest character trait is divine compassion for all living creatures.” ~Swami Chinmayananda 32