Comparison of Free Technology Information Databases Jerusalem 21 July 2010 Alex Riechel Associate Officer, Innovation and Technology Support Section
Overview Finding patent information (patent databases) Finding scientific and technical information (search engines) Accessing scientific and technical information
Finding patent information PATENTSCOPE® search service JPO IPDL USPTO PatFT/AppFT
Coverage : General distinctions Patent collections Which countries or regions? Document types Patent applications? Granted patents? More? Document elements Bibliographic data? Descriptions? Claims? Time period Languages Multiple language versions? Translations?
Patent databases : Collections PATENTSCOPE ® search service : PCT 8 national and regional collection (Israel) : EPC + EPC member states (37) Around 50 other national and regional collection (Israel)
Patent databases : Collections JPO IPDL : Japan only USPTO PatFT/AppFT : US only
PATENTSCOPE ® search service : Coverage All WO applications from 1978 Titles (EN and FR) : from 1978 Abstracts (EN and FR) : from 1978 Int. Cl. : from 1978 Full-text : from 1978
USPTO PatFT/AppFT : Coverage Granted US patents from 1790 (PatFT) Published US applications from 2001 (AppFT) Titles (EN) : from 1976 Abstracts (EN) : from 1976 Int. Cl. : from 1976 US Cl. : from 1790 Full-text : from 1976
USPTO PatFT/AppFT Search
JPO IPDL : Coverage JP patent specifications from 1885 Examined JP applications from 1922 Published JP applications from 1975 Granted JP patents from 1996 Titles (EN) : from 1976 Abstracts (EN) : from 1976 PAJ JP Cl. (FI/F-terms) : from 1885 Full-text : from 1993
: Coverage All EP applications from 1978 Titles (EN and original) : from 1978 Abstracts (EN and original) : from 1978 Int. Cl. : from 1978 EP Cl. (ECLA) : from 1978 Full-text : from 1978
: Coverage Other applications/patents vary in availability Titles (EN and original) : various Abstracts (EN and original) : various Int. Cl. : various EP Cl. (ECLA) : various Full-text : various
: Coverage United Kingdom coverage ( )
: Coverage Italy coverage ( )
: Coverage Israel coverage
Comparison : PATENTSCOPE vs. (IL coverage) Biblio. DataAbstractsFull-textImages PATENTSCOPE ( ) EN/HEYes ( ) Yes ( ) ENNo Yes ( )
PATENTSCOPE® : Simple search Search by single criterion (text, number, classification, name, publication date) Select language, stemming
PATENTSCOPE® : Structured search Search by multiple criteria Basic Boolean operators : AND, OR Select collection, language, stemming
PATENTSCOPE® : Structured search Search by multiple criteria Basic Boolean operators : AND, OR Select collection, language, stemming
PATENTSCOPE® : Structured search Search by multiple criteria Command-line language (field codes, Boolean and other operators) Select collection, language, stemming
PATENTSCOPE® : Advanced search – Field codes Serial numbers Titles Abstract Patent classification Dates Applicant data Inventor data Legal data Language
: Quick search Search in title/abstract, applicant/inventor, or full-text (EP, WO only) Select collection (EP, WO, all) Limited to four search terms, no operators
: Advanced search Search by multiple criteria (full-text available for EP, WO only) Select collection (EP, WO, all) Limited to four search terms per field, no operators
: Smart search Search by multiple criteria (full-text available for EP, WO only) Command-line search (field codes, Boolean operators) Limited to four search terms, no selection of collections
: Smart search – Field codes Serial numbers Titles Abstract Patent classification Applicant/inventor name Citation data
JPO IPDL : Keyword search
JPO IPDL : Advanced search
JPO IPDL : Patent Abstracts of Japan (PAJ)
JPO IPDL : PAJ Records
USPTO PatFT/AppFT : Boolean Search
USPTO PatFT/AppFT : Manual Search
USPTO PatFT/AppFT : Manual Search – Field codes
Patent databases : Syntax – Wildcard operators PATENTSCOPE ® search service : * : * JPO IPDL : [implied wildcard] USPTO : $ PATENTSCOPE ® search service : ? (string of length 1) : ? (string of length 0 to 1) : # (string of length 1)
Patent databases : Syntax – Serial number format PATENTSCOPE ® search service : WO/1998/ (new standard) WO/98/59529 (original standard) 1998/ (without office code) WO (without slashes) Or any combination thereof… : WO (original standard, no slashes) (without office code)
Patent databases : Syntax – Serial number format USPTO : Patent numbers 861,799 (original format) (without commas) USPTO : Application document numbers (four-digit year + seven-digit serial)
Patent databases : Flexibilities – Boolean operators ANDORANDNOTXOR PATENTSCOPExxxx JPO IPDLxx USPTOxxx
Patent databases : Flexibilities – Other operators ProximityRangeAdditional PATENTSCOPE Unordered Date Number Name Fuzzy search Ordered Unordered Date Number USPTO Date
PATENTSCOPE ® search service : National phase entry data
: INPADOC legal status
JPO IPDL : Legal status search IPR type Doc type Number
JPO IPDL : Legal status search Examination data (grant status, citations, etc.) Post-grant data (payment status, etc.)
USPTO : Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR)
: Patent families
: Citations Backward citations (to earlier documents) Forward citations (from later documents)
: Machine translation Languages supported : English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
: Machine translation
JPO IPDL : Machine Translation
PATENTSCOPE ® search service : Analysis tools Clustering
PATENTSCOPE ® search service : Analysis tools Graphical analysis
Finding scientific and technical information Google Scholar Scirus Entrez
Search engines : Coverage Google Scholar (poorly documented) webpages, journal articles, books Scirus (moderately well documented) “science-related” webpages “special sources” (journal articles, patents, etc.) Entrez (extremely well documented) journal articles, books (biomedical and related fields) chemical structures, protein and gene sequences, etc.
Scirus : Advanced Search
Scirus : Features Field searches (article title, journal title, author name, author affiliation, keyword, ISSN, URL fragment) Example: author:smith Boolean operators (AND, OR, ANDNOT, +, - ) Example: plastic AND bicycle Example: DNA -sequencing
Scirus : Features Phrases Example: “electric car” Truncation (right, internal, left; single character, unlimited characters) Example: car* car, cars, carbon Example: car? car, cars, cart Example: alumin?um aluminum, aluminium Example: *capsul* capsule, capsules, encapsulate, encapsulation
Scirus : Features Filtering (date, information type, file format, content source, subject area) advanced search only Results filtering (suggested keywords)
Scirus : Filtering
Scirus : Results filtering
Google Scholar : Advanced search
Google Scholar : Features Field searches (title, author) Example: author:jones Boolean and logical operators (OR, +, - ) Example: tennis ball OR racket Example: vaccine -human Phrases Example: “plastic bicycle” Proximity operator Example: “treatment * cancer” Filtering (date, journal title, subject area) advanced search only
Google Scholar : Features Citations Results grouping (additional versions)
Google Scholar : Caution Indexing not always accurate (especially in older documents) irrelevant results Keyword “aspirin”? Published in 1845?
Entrez : All databases search
Entrez PubMed : Features Field searches Article title, journal title, author name, keyword, etc. Also: Gene name, protein name, substance name, organism, accession number, CAS/Enzyme Commission registry number Example: [ECNO] CAS registry number (caffeine)
Entrez PubMed Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) Phrases Filtering (full-text/abstract, article type, language, journal type, subject area, human/animal, male/female, age) MeSH
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Anatomy [A] Organisms [B] Diseases [C] Chemicals and Drugs [D] Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment [E] Psychiatry and Psychology [F] Phenomena and Processes [G] Disciplines and Occupations [H] Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena [I] Technology, Industry, Agriculture [J] Humanities [K] Information Science [L] Named Groups [M] Health Care [N] Publication Characteristics [V] Geographicals [Z]
MeSH : Example D Chemicals and Drugs D08 Enzymes and Coenzymes D Enzymes D Multienzyme Complexes D Lactose Synthase
Thank you for your attention! For more information, please contact:
Websites : Patent databases WIPO (PATENTSCOPE® search service) EPO JPO IPDL USPTO And many more national_databases.html
Websites : Science and technology search engines Google Scholar Scirus Entrez PubMed MeSH Browser