Parents and children spent some time observing and talking about what they see on the way to the Head Start center each day. They then created a picture to represent the experiences they have when traveling from their home to the center – a MAP! Parents and children worked together to create these amazing pieces. In the process parents had the opportunity to talk with their children about safe walking and riding practices. Parents and children worked freely to create their maps, and were encouraged to use common household items. The results were 2 and 3 dimensional pieces made with a variety of media, e.g. water color, felt-tip markers, crayons, photos, and environmental print; and incorporating a variety of natural and man made-materials including paper, cardboard, plastic toys, cotton balls, popcicle sticks, live plants and flowers, and more. Opportunities for creative self-expression, spending time together, learning about safety and how to organize experiences to make sense of the world around them, are just some of the things this activity provided children and parents – experiences which also align with the Head Start Performance Standards, pfs (a)(4)(ii); (e)(3); (c )(1)(ii);
Head Start Director Carmelita Poindexter, Associate Director, Pat Schmidt and United Way of Central Alabama Safe Routes to School director Nick Sims with winning art work & contest prizes donated by United Way, the Regional Planning Commission’s Commute Smart program, and JCCEO.
Carmelita Poindexter, JCCEO Head Start Director