MY MOTHER TEACHES ME BULLFIGHTING This chapter is about how Percy finds out that his best friend, Gover, is a stayr and that his mother has been keeping a secret from him for years. Percy tries to figure out the secret by constantly asking questions, however, both his friend and mom don’t seem to give him a straight-up answer. Things to turn for the worse when a Minotaur comes after him and kills his mother. Towards the end, Percy is stuck with injured Grover on his back heading toward Half-blood Camp Hill and fainting on the door step.
DETAILS Percy notices that Grover has hooves instead of feet. Percy and his mother go to the beach where she met his dad. Percy dreams about an eagle and a horse Percy realizes that his mother and Grover are keeping secrets from him. Percy, Grover, and his mom are chased by a Minotaur Percy defeats the Minotaur Percy reaches Half-Blood Camp Hill
QUIZ True/False: Percy reaches Half-Blood Camp Hill True/False: Percy’s mom is killed by the Minotaur True/False: Percy kills the Minotaur True/False: Percy finds out that Grover has hooves.