Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center Arizona Office of Homeland Security Deputy Director: John Phelps
Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center Interagency intelligence operation that is the centerpiece of Arizona’s Homeland Security detection and prevention strategy.
Integral Part of State Strategic Plans Governor Napolitano’s Securing Arizona: A Roadmap for Arizona Homeland Security (Apr 2003) Initial framework for counter terrorism detection, planning, response and recovery 1 of 10 action items—focus area 2004 State Homeland Security Strategy Confirms and expands role of “fusion center”
Concept Build on Existing Criminal Intel Systems w/in AZ State DPS Domestic Preparedness Ops Center FBI JTTF City and County LEAs ICE, ATF, CBP Co-locate agents and officials
Concept Integrate Other Intel/Info Sources Dept of Health Services—bioterror alert/notification system Dept of Transportation—transportation monitoring system National Guard Integrated Justice System Develop and implement fusion links and processes
Capabilities Full cycle intelligence operations: collect, analyze, disseminate—AZ and regional focus 24/7 operations with accessibility to general public as well as homeland security actors Enhanced all source analysis
Capabilities Intel Training Center Real Time Intel Analysis for State Leaders Data Warehouse Emergency Power & Data Recovery Systems
Challenges Secure Communications Sanitization Breaking Through Cultural Barriers Transition Operations and Incident Management Funding
Initiatives MOU with New Mexico for unclassified intelligence sharing Extend intelligence sharing to other states and Mexico Linkage to DoD fusion center(s) Linkage to AZ 211 system