ARIZONA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR TITLE I - D, Part 2 SUBGRANTEES Barbara J. Presler, Arizona Department of Education Title I, Part D Coordinator Orlenda F. Roberts, Assistant Superintendent, Mary C O’Brien Accommodation District, Pinal County Arizona
Professional Development Precedes and Supports SEA and LEA Monitoring Requirements “Section 1414 of the SEA plan contains assurances that programs assisted under Title I, Part D will be carried out in accordance with the State plan.” (3.2) further calls for evidence and documentation that programs are being evaluated.
Professional Development Evolves What are the needs of individual LEAs? Adapt to their behavior Using the data- what two or three goals can they set for themselves? What strategies/PD plan supports policy and needs? Review activities/Consortium
Initial Visitation Date Agency Address Phone Amount of grant Responsible party Superintendent Title I-D Director Program Administrator Staff Members under the grant Focus of Grant Population served Changes made since the grant application The grand tour and observations: Questions by agency Problems Noteworthy events
TITLE I D, CONSORTIUM 12 National Staff Development Standards (NSDC, 2001) Context Process Content
Context 1. Learning Communities 2. Leadership 3. Resources
NEGLECTED AND DELINQUENT CONSORTIUM Site Observation Walk Through Document Number of students in the program at the time of visit # Criteria for selection of participating students Comments : Secure Care Probation At-risk Academic Grade levels served Title I-D Program/School Program Comments: Hours: During School Day Evening School Before School After School. Instructional Program Comments: Tutoring Individualized Computer Assisted Special Education Large Group Direct Instruction Service Learning Character Education CTE Other:
Counseling Services Comments: Group Vocational/Job Academic Post Secondary Behavioral Life Skills Probation Family Substance Abuse Arizona Workplace Standards Comments: Internships Externships School to Career Job Shadowing Work-based learning Co-op Classroom instruction Multi- Disciplinary Project-based learning Leadership and Community Service Comments: Student leadership Project-based learning Community service Student designed service learning projects Individual student service hours NEGLECTED AND DELINQUENT CONSORTIUM Site Observation Walk Through Document
Individual Technical Assistance/PD Has Centered Around Program Narratives on the Fiscal Application 1. Summarize the original goals of the current Title 1-D, Subpart 2, Neglected and Delinquent Program that you have and identify the targeted at-risk population you serve now. 2. What goals of your original plan have you been developing and implementing since receiving funds until the end of the school year ? How did the outcomes match the goal? 3. If you are administrating a summer program under this grant, describe the program details (length, number of students you will serve, demographics and characteristics of the population, intent of the program, etc.). If this program serves different students than those served during the school year, explain how and why this population will be different. 4. Provide a narrative description of changes you intend to make to the original plan for the coming school year. Explain why you intend to make these changes and how they will augment the program and services to be provided.
MEGA Conference Strand Mary C. O’Brien Accommodation Center, Orlenda Roberts, Title I-D, Part 2 provided an overview of their Model Program in Transitioning N & D Students for Educational Success Arizona Detention Centers, Arizona Supreme Court, Dorothy Wodraska, Title I-D, Part 1, No Child Left Behind Bars, NCLB, Educating N & D students in the Juvenile and Adult Justice Systems. Staff Presentation:Nogales Detention Center
Consortium for At-Risk Delinquent Students Project CARDS PROJECT – A Title 1-D, Part 2, Program
Participating Agencies High Schools: Villa Oasis, Desert Winds and Santa Cruz Valley Union High School Pinal County Detention – Hope School Pinal County Juvenile Court Pinal County Juvenile Probation Office Pinal County School Office
GOALS GOAL 1: To insure that the core academic educational program provided in the Detention Center School is comparable to ones operating in local high schools. GOAL 2: To provide effective transition planning and services to detained delinquents
GOALS, CONT’D. GOAL 3: To increase parental involvement in the transition process GOAL 4: To coordinate the CARDS Project with programs operated by the Pinal County Juvenile Court.
Professional Development Process Standards Data-Driven Evaluation Research-Based Design Learning Collaboration
Professional Development Content Standards Equity Quality Teaching Family Involvement
CARDS PROJECT DATA July 1, October 13, 2006 Case management for 75 probation students Transition services for 155 unduplicated students Transition services for 255 duplicated students 71 students detained two times 27 students detained three times 3 students detained four times 1 detained five times
PROJECT DATA, CONT’D 21 home visits Completed 40 telephone contacts to parents 115 probation officer contacts 137 visits to three project high schools Attended 223 juvenile court sessions Attended 12 conferences at home schools per parent or school request
Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards (AIMS) Assessment Results
In Conclusion: Questions and/or Comments: Orlenda F. Roberts Assistant Superintendent Pinal County Schools Office Phone: (520) Fax: (520) Barbara J. Presler, Ed. D. Coordinator of Neglected and Delinquent, Title I-D, Arizona Department of Education Phone: (602) Fax: (602)