Tech Prep Evaluation the Arizona Way Presenters Annette Bunch, Mohave Tech Prep Rhonda Douglas, Cochise Tech Prep Donna Green, Yavapai Tech Prep Lois Lamer, Yavapai Tech Prep
Arizona Tech Prep Structure State Director Arizona Consortiums/Directors Consortium Boards of Directors Secondary and Post-secondary Institutions Educational Institution Site Coordinators Business Representatives Community Representatives
Under Carl Perkins III No Consistent Reporting Numerous Variables Lack of national/state identity Lack of common definitions Lack of common theme Lack of common process Lack of common data gathering
To Show Effectiveness and Make Improvement NATPL (National Association for Tech Prep Leadership) was born Arizona chose to develop their own self-evaluation instrument Site Team Assessment Review (4-Star) Our first attempt Our first attempt
Under Carl Perkins IV Realigned and Designed the 4-STAR Based on the new law Without personal interpretation Kept it simple Used new Tech Prep definitions Built on 8 components of a Tech Prep program.
Tech Prep Definitions Secondary Tech Prep Student A student who has enrolled in two courses in the secondary education component of a Tech Prep program. Postsecondary Tech Prep Student A student who has completed a secondary component of a Tech Prep program and has enrolled in the postsecondary component of a Tech Prep program.
Eight Components of a Tech Prep Program 1.Articulation 2.Program of Study 3. Development of Tech Prep Programs for Secondary and Postsecondary Education 4.In-service Professional Development for teachers, faculty, and administrators
Components (continued) 5.Professional Development Programs for counselors designed to enable counselors to be more effective 6.Equal access to the full range of Technical Preparation (including apprenticeship) 7.Provide preparatory services 8.Coordinate with activities conducted under Title I
Lessons Learned from CP III to CP IV Provide consistent definitions Provide instructions on how to proceed through the document Provide tips Provide a uniform scoring mechanism Strengthen post secondary piece
Purpose of the 4-Star Instrument for program improvement Self-study that allows each individual consortium school site to evaluate their progress in meeting Tech Prep statewide goals. Describes an ideal Tech Prep program/site Technical Assistance Tool only and will not affect funding
Parts of 4-STAR Components listed State Goals align with Perkins IV (law citing next to goals and indicators) Quality Indicators Scale to indicate the level of implementation/achievement Score – 0-4 stars Tips –directions on how to rate sites on each individual component
Who Completes the Document? This assessment applies to Tech Prep students and programs at both secondary and post- secondary sites Don’t work in isolation - bring in a wide range of staff/faculty to give input into this assessment. – Talk to CTE teachers, CTE local directors, counselors, administrators and school data sources. This tool can be used to help others understand more about Tech Prep Questions – talk to your Tech Prep Consortium Director
Advice for Successful Completion of the Assessment Be thoughtful in assessment completion Share this information with others and make a plan for improvement if you fall below 4-stars – this gives an indication of where to target Tech Prep funds and/or efforts Use the 4-star to identify best practices/programs to share with others
New 4-STAR Document Articulated Programs of Study Professional Development Partnerships PIE 2 (Providing Information on Education and Employment) ACCESS (A Comprehensive Commitment to Equality for Student Success ) CIA (Continuous Improvement Accountability - Evaluation)
Resources The Tech Prep Guide to Perkins IV Michael Brustein and Sheara Krvaric Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) Perkins Act of 2006 – The Official Guide (Assoc. for Career and Technical Education - ACTE) National Association for Tech Prep Leadership (NATPL) Arizona Tech Prep:
Contact Information Arizona Tech Prep Website Directory For an electronic version of the 4-STAR, contact Donna Green at