Action Plan Template Intel ISEF 2010 Educator Academy May 2010 Arizona
2 High Level Goals Build an integrated PK-20 systems that drives innovation, economic development and personal prosperity Change the conversation to drive a culture of student centered, inquiry and research based teaching and learning Long term goals –Implement student centered inquiry and research based teaching and learning PK-12 –Utilize science fairs/competitions and research programs to crate awareness and celebrate excellence Short Term Goal: –Develop comprehensive plan of action that drives College and career readiness and increases effective STEM education opportunities for ALL Arizona students.
3 Objectives Systemic changes to curriculum and professional development that supports student centered, inquiry and research based teaching and learning –Utilization of Intel Teach and Intel Teach Science Increased funding for STEM education, science and Engineering Fairs –Increased student research classes –Increased STEM clubs Increase Volunteers/mentors to support student research –Coordinate with SFAZ Graduate Research Fellows Expand opportunities to excite students including: –Increased STEM clubs –AZ statewide strategy for Science Fairs that expands opportunities for more AZ students –Robotics, etc
4 Action Plan – Steps to Meet Your Goals and Objectives ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible?Deadline? Develop comprehensive plan of action that drives COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS and increases EFFECTIVE STEM education OPPORTUNTIES for ALL Arizona students. Inform our own thinking about STEM education: meet w/ other state teams Identify and map current assets and programs against a strategic plan Create awareness for stakeholders and establish a mandate for action: STEM Convocation at AZSEF & SARSEF 2011 Darcy Renfro Cathleen Barton Renfro, Barton, Vasquez, Duvall, Lieopold Sept 201 Dec March 2011 Build Educator Capacity Build awareness Create regional/county Model of STEM specialists and enhanced professional development Implement Research “classes-in school, after school, summer Utilize “proofs of concept: PHX, Sierra Vista, Flagstaff, Native American Establish STEM Clubs Develop and implement State-wide plan for ISEF Affiliated Fairs AZ State STEM Team/Renfro Ongoing
5 Intel ISEF Educator Academy Highlight what your team felt was the key learning from the Educator Academy How STEM Fairs can enrich formal learning and student engagement Cultural challenges and opportunities: students, parents, teachers Increased information about research classes and different implementation models Which Shop Talks were the most beneficial for your team? Those that provided specific examples: Russ Fisher Ives, Lynnbrook, Formative Assessment, Research Classes, Nobel Laureate
6 Dr. Jo Anne Vasquez VP & Program Director STEM Ed. Helios Education Foundation Darcy Renfro VP & Director of STEM Initiatives Science Foundation Arizona Cathleen Barton US/SW Education Mgr. Intel Corporation Dr. Debra Duvall Executive Director, Arizona School Administrators Your site/country name Add photo here
7 Optional Pictures Slide If you would like to include a picture or a small group of pictures of your team experiencing the Intel ISEF Educator Academy, please do so on this slide only