Club Secretary/Treasurer Training District Convention Saturday, August 17, 2013 Arizona District Optimist International
Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Accepting the Challenge What are the characteristics of a good club secretary/treasurer? Attentive to detail Be responsible Be dependable Be organized Be friendly Be optimistic Smile Be a good listener Be tactful Be appreciative Be persistent and Care A PRIMARY DUTY OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT IS TO HELP MANAGEMENT ACHIEVE SUCCESS
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Accepting the Challenge What can I do as Secretary/Treasurer to help my club succeed? Be optimistic Deal in realism without being negative Turn in all reports on time Apply for all earned awards Keep accurate records Share club roster with all members Be early to all meetings and be available Recognize the efforts of others Be open and forthright Live the Optimist Creed A PRIMARY DUTY OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT IS TO HELP MANAGEMENT ACHIEVE SUCCESS
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Resources for Success Your Lieutenant governor District Committees The Awards Handbook Other International Materials >>> International Constitution & Bylaws Club Constitution & Bylaws Membership Handbook New Club building Handbook District Conferences and Convention International Convention Optimist International Staff Club President’s Answer Book Club Secretary/Treasurer’s Answer Book District Governor
QUIZ.. BOWL Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Part 1
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Duties and Responsibilities What is the fee for a new member? What are the annual dues per member? How much are your annual district dues per member? How much are your international dues per member? What about life members? Do you know who they are? Oversee the finances of the club: Collect fees and dues :
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Duties and Responsibilities name Keep member records: address phone (home and work) fax number address attendance dues payment birthdays anniversaries
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Duties and Responsibilities Club Meetings Keep official “minutes” of meetings Board Meetings Special Meetings
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Duties and Responsibilities Club members Be a communications link: District Officers International Officers/Staff
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Duties and Responsibilities Honor & Distinguished Club Status Help your club succeed: By Achieving
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Duties and Responsibilities Attend quarterly district conferences Attend quarterly zone meetings Provide guidance in adherence to Constitution and Bylaws
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Getting Started Set up a club checking and/or savings account change club officers’ signature card general fund and/or youth account Assist finance committee in preparing a budget Send a “member directory” to all members Give the Board of Directors a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws International/ Club level Should the club separate the duties of the Secretary/Treasurer? Many large clubs separate (over 75 members) A club constitution issue (requires vote of the membership) This training combines the role of the Secretary/Treasurer Develop a good data base for your club’s finances
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Creating a Club Budget Roundtable Workshop on Preparing a Sample Club Budget Created at the beginning of each year and approved by the Board. Helps the board of directors approve expenses in advance. The Club Finance Chair is responsible for creating the budget. Compare budget with actual expenditures monthly. May be revised by the Board as necessary.
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Fund Raising Product sales Child identification Traffic collections (fine pot) Bingo Sports pools Auctions Garage Sales Raffles door prizes 50/50 drawing What are a number of different possibilities as fund raisers?
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Dues Billing Send dues statement at the beginning of each period: annually semi annually quarterly
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Dues Billing Billing statements are available at Optimist International: ( ) or Send dues statement at the beginning of each period: annually semi annually quarterly
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Dues Billing Sending an initial statement Send a past due statement - 30 days Phone or make a personal contact with member Action recommended to Board Send dues statement at the beginning of each period: annually semi annually quarterly Billing statements are available at Optimist International: ( ) or
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training Member Records name address phone (home and work) fax number address attendance dues payment birthdays anniversaries How would you suggest someone record the details of the member’s records in the secretary/ treasurer's notebook? What do you believe would be a simple, but fair policy for determining perfect attendance while allowing for a flexible make-up mechanism? What types of simple but adequate database software packages can you suggest that will meet the needs of your club?
Arizona District Optimist International Club Secretary/Treasurer Training End of Training Questions ?