Coalition Survey Analysis July 18, 2013
CountyNumber Greenlee County13 Graham County14 Gila County15 Santa Cruz County16 Apache County17 Navajo County17 Yavapai County17 Cochise County18 Pinal County20 Coconino County23 La Paz County26 Mohave County26 Yuma County26 Maricopa County44 Pima County47
Identify uninsured individuals who qualify for the Health Marketplace or Medicaid. For example, you could ask customers who receive services from you if they have health insurance. Inform individuals, groups, and/or organizations (including your own) about the Health Marketplace. For example, you could send , distribute printed materials, post information on your web site, publish information in your church bulletin, post links on social media accounts, and/or present at staff meetings. Educate individuals, groups, and/or organizations about the Health Marketplace. For example, you could join the Coalition’s Speakers’ Bureau to present to groups, or educate your organization. Refer uninsured individuals to organizations that will help with education and/or enrollment. For example, you could provide customers with a list of local patient navigators and community assisters. Conduct in-reach or outreach to individuals, groups, and/or organizations about the Health Marketplace. For example, you could incorporate ACA materials into existing outreach efforts, participate in community events, and/or have staff and volunteers provide information to customers. Enroll individuals into the Health Marketplace or Medicaid. For example, you could obtain certification as a patient navigator or community assister to help customers understand their eligibility and health insurance options.
IdentifyInformEducateReferConductEnrollOtherNone Behavioral Health CHCs or Rural Health Centers Hospitals Low Income Childless Adults (<138% FPL) Low Income Families (<250% FPL) Older Adults (50-64 years) Persons with Chronic Diseases and PCIP Clients Young Adults (18-34 years) Culturally Diverse Communities African Americans Asian/Pacific Islanders Hispanics/Latinos LGBT Migrant Workers Native Americans Refugees/Immigrants Other
Arizonans with Disabilities Homeless Persons Persons in rural areas Other Not-for-profit Organizations Community Providers Adults in Community Corrections and the Criminal Jusatice System Low Income, Unemployed, and/or Underemployed Adults The Insurance Buying Public
Area Agency on Aging, Region One Arizona Bridge to Independent Living - ABIL Arizona Living Well Institute Asian Pacific Community in Action AZ Association of Health Underwriters - NAHU Boys & Girls Clubs of the Colorado River Cenpatico of Arizona Children's Action Alliance Cochise Health & Social Services Desert Mission Dignity Health Flanagan-Hyde Solutions, LLC Health Care Act and You Helping Families In Need Inspire Inc. Jewish Family & Children's Services of Southern AZ Komen Central and Northern Arizona La Paz Regional Hospital Maricopa County Department of Public Health Maricopa County Ryan White Part A Program Maricopa Integrated Health System North Country Health Care Phoenix Day Kids HealthLinks Pima Community Access Program (PCAP) Regional Center for Border Health, Inc. St. Elizabeth's Health Center St. Luke's health Initiatives Sunset CHC U of A - Center for Rural Health U of A - Mobile Health Program U of A - Zuckerman College of Public Health United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona Valley Interfaith Project Worthy Institute