Arizona Science Teacher Association Translating Science in the 21 st Century Computer based science projects involving Podcasting, Wikis, and Virtual Laboratory
21 st Century Learning in the Classroom Learning IN the 21 st Century – Current tools, media, technology Learning FOR the 21 st Century – Critical thinking – Applying knowledge – Participating productively
Technology in the Science classroom Computer-Based Instruction technique – Examples: Tutorials Drill and Practice Simulations Educational Games Provided as a supplement to classroom education
Benefits of Computer-Based Instruction Creates student interest and a learning centered-atmosphere Increases student motivation Students can progress at their own pace – Individual learning Provides immediate feedback
Virtual Laboratory Cost efficient Enables students to apply concepts in their daily lives
My Future Research Does the implementation of Computer-Based Instruction increase the content retention of English Language Learners. Based on: – Audio-visual learning – Immediate feedback – Meta-cognitive skills Language not a barrier
Sources online:
Subjects: Chemistry Physics Biology Anatomy Geology Astronomy Design Math
Educational Games Interactive Students are interested Application of knowledge
Partnership for Biotechnology and Genomics Education (PBGE)
Currently Available Software Virtual DNA Fingerprinting Laboratory 3.0 Virtual Plant Biotechnology and Genomics 2.0 Legacy Software-Germ Wars All virtual laboratories are available to download for free
DNA Fingerprinting
21 st Century Computer Based Instruction in the Science Classroom Using current technologies Increasing critical thinking Applying knowledge Thank you