Welcome 2013 Arizona Partners in Preparedness Conference Tabletop Exercise March 27, 2012
Agenda Objectives Tabletop Ground Rules Tabletop Organization Discussion Subject Areas Scenario Modules 1 and 2 Hotwash
Exercise Overview
Identify gaps in providing accessible emergency warning and other messaging to the Access and Functional Needs population during a simulated emergency. Identify gaps in transportation resources required to conduct citizen evacuations. Objectives
Discuss resources and means available to address gaps identified in providing accessible emergency warning and other messaging to the Access and Functional Needs population. Discuss resources and means to provide accessible transportation support for citizen evacuation Objectives
Identify gaps in providing needed services to the Access and Functional Needs population sheltering in place during an extended power outage including transportation requirements for provision of services. Discuss resources and methods to render needed services to those sheltering in place including transportation. Objectives
Identify methods of assessing Functional Needs Support Services in general population shelters during a simulated long- term power outage including required transportation for goods and services. Discuss methods and resources to full-fill long-term needs identified for shelters including transportation requirements during a power outage.. Objectives
Exercise Ground Rules Scenario is plausible accept scenario as written Stress Free Environment – will not be held to any discussion / decisions discussed to day. Table tops designed to evaluate policies, plans or procedures. Todays exercise is not precedent setting Table top discussions, decisions and results are not to be used for individual evaluations. Participants all receive information at the same time No personal attacks stick to policies plans and procedures
9 total groups total, 3 groups will be assigned to each discussion area. Facilitators Assigned to all Groups Evaluators assigned to some groups, will get information for evaluation from report outs and hot-wash in addition to group discussion Situation manual provided to every one Module 1 Focus on Needs and Resources Available Module 2 Focus on Identification remaining Gaps between Resources available and Needs. Table Top Organization
Topic A groups A1- A3. ◦ Public Information and Warning / Citizen Evacuation and Transportation Topic B Groups B4-6 ◦ Shelter in place: Services required and how they will be provided, decision criteria to evacuate based on changing situation Topic C Groups C7-9 ◦ General population shelters: Services required and resources Available Discussion Topics
Power Outage Scenario We have 48 hours Notice of Impending serious severe weather. A combination of Severe Weather, Forest Fires and extreme bad luck will cause massive power outages in Arizona. Heavy storms, micro-bursts and possible tornadoes will blow down thousands of power poles across the state. Time required for replacement of poles will keep power off for extended periods for many areas. Potential forest fires may cause rolling black outs where power in areas with power will cease in 2 hour blocks.
Please Move to Locations Specified and return for report out by 2:45 ◦ A-1 - ARIZONA ◦ A-2 - HORSESHOE ◦ A-3 – ECHO CANYON ◦ B-4 – DESERT SKY ◦ B-5 - COYOTE ◦ B-6 – BALLROOM (BACK RIGHT) ◦ C-7 – BALLROOM (BACK LEFT) ◦ C-8 – BALLROOM (FRONT RIGHT) ◦ C-9 – BALLROOM (FRONT LEFT) Module 1
Report Out Module 1 Group A – 1 Start Discussion Public Information Warning, Citizen Evacuation and Transportation ◦ Groups A-2 and A-3 Add Items not previously noted Group B-3 Start Discussion of Shelter in Place ◦ Groups B-5 and B-6 Add Items not previously noted Group C-7 Start Discussion of General Population Shelters ◦ Groups C-8 and C-9 Add Items not previously noted Open Discussion and Questions between groups
Please Move to Locations Specified and return for report out by 4:05 ◦ ADD WHAT IS NECESSARY Module 2
Report Out Module 2 Group A – 2 Start Discussion Public Information Warning, Citizen Evacuation and Transportation ◦ Groups A-1 and A-3 Add Items not previously noted Group B-5 Start Discussion of Shelter in Place ◦ Groups B-4 and B-6 Add Items not previously noted Group C-8 Start Discussion of General Population Shelters ◦ Groups C-7 and C-9 Add Items not previously noted Open Discussion and Questions between groups
Hotwash Each group please identify 3 of each below What went well with today’s exercise? What areas can we improve as relates to topics discussed? Please only report items previously Not Identified Order A 3, B-6, C-9 Then remaining A B and C groups can add new information.
Thank You Any Last Minute Items from Conference Planners that we need to know about prior to dismissal Slight Change Evaluation discussion will Start at 08:15 rather than stated 08:00 Facilitators, Scribes and Evaluators and Backups please assemble here for a quick 15 minute or less meeting See you all in the morning..