QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP INC. In today’s modern world economies, private manufacturing companies, government and service providers need to reach world class status in order to meet and exceed their stakeholders expectations.
QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP INC. Most businesses and services run their operations enjoying past successes where abundant demand hided the true cost of their operations. However we all know those days are over and need to regroup and make a plan to excel, delight and become the vendor of choice for our customers.
QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP INC. QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP Inc. is a group of experienced lean practitioners that will walk all of your administrative and manufacturing processes to identify and remove waste that has been accepted as normal but in reality is stopping your business to become world class achievers.
QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP INC. This is accomplished by applying the Toyota Production System (TPS) to all manufacturing and administrative processes.
QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP INC. QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP Inc. will facilitate Kaizen workshops that are aligned with your corporate goals which for most companies are to provide products and services with zero defects, on time deliveries and cost competitive to exceed the needs of all stakeholders.
QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP INC. The heart of any business is its people, which appreciates with time, QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP Inc., will work with your employees teaching them the tools that world class companies use and will transfer this knowledge to your organization so that it builds a robust foundation in its journey to be world class achievers.
QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP INC. QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP Inc. is a Tucson Arizona based company with fully bilingual and bicultural lean practitioners that have worked with the most prestigious Japanese Sensei that developed the Toyota Production System.
QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP INC. We look forward to be a mayor contributor to your lean journey. Its fast and dramatic results is contagious and will make a moral boost to your employees since they will apply the tools and be the owners of their processes.
QTC LEAN CONSULTING GROUP INC. Please call Mario Sanchez Lean Practitioner and founder at (520) or e mail at for further information.