4 th Grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Hugus Ms. Rinne Mrs. Scott Mrs. Whitmire
Agenda Welcome! Daily Schedule Curriculum Homework School to Home Communication Drop-off and Pick-up Questions
Daily Schedule 8:05-8:10 Students arrive 8:10-8:24 Morning Routine 8:25-9:40 Rotation I 9:25-11:30/35 Homeroom Subjects/Specials 11:30/35-12:10/15 Lunch 12:15-12:44 SSR 12:45-2:00 Rotation II 2:00-2:35 Homeroom Subjects 2:35-2:40 Pack up
Reading Open Court Various Book Reports Literature Studies
Literature We will complete one literature study each quarter. Below are some possible options: Stone Fox Dear Mr. Henshaw War with Grandpa Frindle Maniac Magee Danger in the Desert
Accelerated Reader AR Goals Students must read a minimum of 30 minutes each night at home Daily reading logs All goals set quarterly %-to-Goal and % Correct Testing Goal - Once a Week Home Connect Home Connect All points for 1 st quarter due September 21 st
Accelerated Reader, Continued AR Milestones for Quarter 1 25% - 8/10 50% - 8/24 75% - 9/7 100% - 9/21 Please check your teacher’s webpage for future AR due dates
Grammar Main Three Sources in Teaching Grammar: Writing Road to Reading: Spalding Easy Grammar Writer’s Express All grammar is reinforced during each writing lesson.
Writing Rubrics – 6 Traits Compositions Famous Arizonan Report Assigned Book Projects Current Event Articles All year: We will focus on sentence structure, topic sentences and details, friendly letters, journal writing… and so much more!
Spelling Spalding Method 30 Spalding words/week Homework – Monday thru Thursday Spelling Tests given on Thursday
Phonograms We practice phonograms weekly, both orally and written Quizzes may be periodically given Once a month, we assess all 70 phonograms
Math 5 th Grade Curriculum (Saxon Math 6/5 Text) Number and Operations Algebra Geometry Measurement Data Analysis and Probability Problem Solving Cumulative Practice and Assessment Math Facts Timed Tests – 3 minutes Homework assigned Mon.-Thurs. (few exceptions) Don’t ask if they have homework– ask to see it. Students are responsible for checking their own homework. Help them choose which problems.
Social Studies Discovering Arizona Textbook Harcourt: Social Studies, Arizona Famous Arizonan Reports
Science Scientific Method Vocabulary Development Classroom Experiments Science Fair Projects Topics: Scientific Method Life Sciences Energy and Magnetism Changes to Earth’s Surface Water Cycle
Homework Homework assigned Monday-Thursday Students are expected to complete the work and turn it in finished the following day. Missing assignments leads to your child’s grade being lowered and possible low test scores. Parent signature is expected nightly in the student agenda. Don’t ask if they have homework– ask to see it.
Communication Each teacher has a website linked through our school website. Please register with our school website to receive school-wide communication and 4 th grade information. Completed/graded class work and tests will be handed back to individual students in their weekly folder. Please sign weekly folder and watch for papers that need correction & parent signature.
Drop Off/Pick Up Please do not drop children off before 7:45 am. Students arriving early unpack & prepare for day prior to 8 am. Make sure to display your name plates in your windshield when picking up. Follow the traffic directions entering and exiting the parking areas. The city will begin issuing tickets. PLEASE NO CELL PHONE USE WHILE IN THE PARKING LOT.