Number of Slides in Morning Test-bed Presentations Raw mean = 6.0 sd = 3.6 Removing skew mean = 4.2, sd = 1.2
The Role of SAHRA Science is to significantly improve the understanding and management of water resources in semi- arid regions? identify and fill gaps in the scientific understanding of critical hydrological processes develop management tools firmly based on physical understanding and realism The evolution of proto-observatory development in the NSF-STC SAHRA Integration through a Basin Focus San Pedro River Salt / Verde Rivers Upper Rio Grande Rio Conchos
What are the effects of Vegetation and Vegetation Change on Basin-Scale Water Balance ?
Coordinated Research Efforts in Arizona and New Mexico Developing Environmental Observatories Winter precipitation dominant with cold, continental snowpack at elevation Monsoon precipitation dominant without consistent winter snowcover Question driven, long-term interdisciplinary investments
Observatories – Coordinated, Interdisciplinary Research in Nested Catchments Incoming Precipitation as Rain/ Snow Atmosphere-Land Surface H 2 O, CO 2, and Energy Balance Partitioning of Precipitation into Infiltration, Runoff, and Recharge Vegetation Water Use/ Plant Physiological Ecology Soil Development Groundwater flow Distributed data collection Nested Catchments