Learning Objects Shu Liu, Digital Content Librarian Colorado State University Libraries Computers in Libraries 2007 C205: Gaming & Learning April 17, 2007 Washington, DC
Agenda Introduction to Learning Objects Examples of Learning Objects Learning Objects & Library Resources Current Developments Q & A
Definition A learning object is an online tool that includes a learning objective, a learning process, and assessment of learning, providing an interactive experience, to help learners digest a specific piece of knowledge, or master how to complete a specific task.
Characteristics Learning Objects Digital InteractiveIndividual Reusable
Exposition Learning Objects Learning Activities Lessons Units Courses Process Assessment Objective Wisc-Online, Faculty Builders Resources – The Teaching Granularity Scale c2005.
Academic Example 1 Wisc-OnlineWisc-Online (Wisconsin Online Resource Center) A digital library of learning objects. Developed primarily by faculty from the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Objects produced by multimedia technicians. Accessible to all WTCS faculty at no cost and with copyright clearance for use in any WTCS classroom or online application. Other institutions in the US and worldwide use the library with permission. Registration is easy and free!
Object Example from Wisc-Online: The 12 Cranial Nerves Author: Barbara LiangTechnician: TeeJay Spilman School: Fox Valley Technical College Date: 2/5/2004 Description: In this interactive and animated object, learners read a description of the number, name, and function of the cranial nerves. A matching quiz completes the activity.Barbara Liang
Academic Example 2 MERLOTMERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) A continually growing catalog of online learning materials to help faculty enhance instruction. An international consortium that cooperates to transform and improve higher education. A community of individual members who share and enrich teaching and learning experiences. A technology initiative with its own infrastructure and dynamically designed set of tools and software development policies. Anyone can use free!
Object Example from MERLOT: Reframing America: Photography through the Eyes of ImmigrantsReframing America: Photography through the Eyes of Immigrants (MERLOT Record) – * MERLOT link broken, use site: Educator’s GuideEducator’s Guide Angle, Framing, and Light Author: Cass Fey, The Center for Creative Photography at The University of Arizona Submitter: Garry Forger Material Type: Tutorial Technical Format: HTML/Text Date Added: November 06, 2001 Date Modified: July 11, 2006
Academic Example 3 UTOPIA (UTOPIA - University of Texas at Austin) UTOPIA A digital gateway that provides access to the University of Texas at Austin’s reservoir of knowledge and cultural assets Launched in 2004 Spearheaded by the University of Texas Libraries Guidance from a national advisory board and additional assistance from K-12 educators all around Texas Team is composed of content librarians, graphic designers, Web site builders, writers, programmers, information architects, videographers and more Available to anyone, anywhere, at absolutely no cost!
Object Example from UTOPIA (UT Austin): Site: Art Across the CurriculumArt Across the Curriculum Also check out this version: Description: The Blanton Museum of Art puts an artistic slant on social studies with a collection of history lesson plans based on works of art Object: “Learning Empathy through Art: From That Day On” or “Overcoming Censorship through Art: Zero Dollar”
More Academic Examples: University System of Georgia: ALT University System of Georgia: ALT Portland State University: Instructional Design Handbook Portland State University: Instructional Design Handbook
Business Example 1 Microsoft Office Online Training Object Example: Link data to diagrams I: Getting started
Business Example 2 Apple Learning Interchange 2007 also see: Apple Education Products: iLifeApple Education Products: iLife Object Example: Newspapers: A Connection to Our Past (Middle School Social Studies Lesson Idea)
Library Resources & Learning Objects Topic R & DTechnologyInfrastructureOutreachKnowledge
Current Developments In Australia: AICTEC Technical Standards AICTEC Technical Standards Education Network Australia (edna) Education Network Australia (edna) The Learning Federation The Learning Federation HavestRoad Hive® HavestRoad Hive® In Canada: The BELLE ProjectThe BELLE Project In Europe: The ARIADNE Foundation The ARIADNE Foundation Learning Technologies Workshop Learning Technologies Workshop In Hong Kong: LEARNetLEARNet In the United States: ADL ADL IEEE LTSC IEEE LTSC IMS IMS
List of URLs Discussed Wisc-Online: MERLOT: UTOPIA (UT Austin): Microsoft Office Online Training: us/training/default.aspx us/training/default.aspx Apple Learning Interchange 2007: And try Google search the examples!
Further Resources “What are Learning Objects” at LEARNet: “Learning Object” on Wikipedia: Chuck Barrit & F. Lee Alderman Jr. Creating a Reusable Learning Objects Strategy: Leveraging Information and Learning in a Knowledge Economy. Pfeiffer, Tom Barron, “Learning Object Approach is Making Inroads,” Reusable Learning: Reusability.org: