Strategic Plan
Goal 1 Ensure that each Madison student achieves annual academic growth that drives the Madison School District to maintain and/or increase the Arizona LEARNS labels.
Objective 1: Every Madison student meets or exceeds mastery of state standards in all areas. Systematic Curriculum Cycle Signature Programs Aligned Professional Development Student Progress Monitoring Parental Involvement
Objective 2: Madison will continue to develop aggressive recruitment strategies and retention plans for the employment of highly effective teachers and staff. Rigorous Screening Process Partnerships for Teacher Preparation Programs Competitive Salaries
Objective 2: Madison will continue to develop aggressive recruitment strategies and retention plans for the employment of highly effective teachers and staff. Professional Learning Communities Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports Professional Development and Coaching/Mentoring Opportunities
Goal 2 Ensure that the Madison School District maintains a fiscally responsible financial environment.
Objective 1: Madison will leverage all funding sources to ensure ongoing viability. Contingency Funds in Maintenance & Operations Processes and Procedures to Maximize Efficiency Legislation that Supports Madison Programs and Initiatives Tax Credit Collections
Objective 2: Madison will identify funding sources, including bonds and capital outlay overrides, to provide ongoing facility maintenance, equipment, and materials. Facility Needs and Prioritization Preventative Maintenance Cycle
Goal 3 Develop, implement, and maintain proactive, quality communication systems to keep the Madison community informed and connected.
Objective 1: Madison will develop, maintain, and expand set methods to communicate with the Madison community. Print, Broadcast, and Social Media Recognitions
Objective 2: Madison will provide a safe and secure learning environment. Crisis Management Plans Safety and Security
Objective 3: Madison will increase district student enrollment by at least 2% each year. Open Enrollment Opportunities Madison Early Childhood Program (ECP) Enrollment Trends Signature Programs
Goal Achievement Goal 1: Ensure that each Madison student achieves annual academic growth that drives the Madison School District to maintain and/or increase the Arizona LEARNS labels. ACHIEVED Goal 2: Ensure that the Madison School District maintains a fiscally responsible financial environment. ACHIEVED Goal 3: Develop, implement, and maintain proactive, quality communication systems to keep the Madison community informed and connected. ACHIEVED
Strategic Plan