Cautions! 1. Set pipet volume only within the range specified for that micropipet 2. Do not attempt to set a volume beyond the pipet’s minimum or maximum.


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Presentation transcript:

Cautions! 1. Set pipet volume only within the range specified for that micropipet 2. Do not attempt to set a volume beyond the pipet’s minimum or maximum values

3. When using a micropipet, first apply a tip. 4. Use of a pipet without a tip could ruin the precision piston that measures the volume of fluid

5. Always keep a micropipet in a vertical position when there is fluid in the tip. Fluid could run back into the piston if the pipet is not vertical

6. Use your thumb to control the speed at which the plunger rises after taking up or ejecting fluid. Releasing the plunger too abruptly will cause liquid to pop up into the nose cone and damage the piston

How to Take Up a Sample with a Micropipet Before picking up the micropipet, open the cap or lid of the tube from which you are taking fluid. Hold the micropipet in one hand, almost vertical; hold the tube in your other hand. Both should be almost at eye- level.

Before lowering the tip into the liquid, push down the plunger to the first stop and hold in this position. DO NOT GO PAST THE FIRST STOP OR YOU WILL GET AN INCORRECT VOLUME!

Dip the tip into the solution to be pipetted.

Draw fluid into the tip by slowly releasing the plunger. (Cap and put down the tube with the liquid.)

How to Expel a Sample From the Micropipet With your other hand, open the cap or lid of the tube into which you are ejecting fluid. Hold the micropipet in one hand, almost vertical; hold the tube in your other hand. Both should be about eye level.

Touch the micropipet tip to the inside wall of the reaction tube into which you want to expel the sample. This creates a tiny surface- tension effect which helps coax fluid out of the tip.

Slowly push down the plunger of the micropipet to the first stop. Then, continue to the second stop to expel the last bit of fluid, and hold the plunger in this position.

Slowly remove the pipet out of the tube, keeping the plunger pushed down to avoid sucking any liquid back into the tip. Always change tips for each new reagent you need to pipet. To eject a tip, depress the large “eject” button.

1. Never rotate the volume adjuster beyond the _______ or ______range of the pipet. 2. Never use a micropipet without a _______on the end. 3. The pipet should remain in a ________ position. 4. Always release the plunger ________.

5. When taking up a sample, both the micropipet and sample tube should be held at __________. 6. Before lowering the tip into the liquid, push down the plunger to the ________ stop only. 7. After dipping the tip into the solution, _________ release the plunger.

8. When expelling liquid into a tube, touch the micropipet tip to the ______ ______ of the tube. 9. Slowly push the plunger to the _______ stop, then continue to the _________stop. 10. Do not release the plunger until you have ________ the tip from the liquid.

Obtain a tube of water containing food coloring, and an empty tube. Set the micropipet to 15 microliters (15.0). Withdraw 15 microliters of food coloring and expel them into the empty tube. Withdraw the same 15 microliters from the second tube. If you have correctly withdrawn,expelled, and withdrawn the liquid again, there should be no liquid left in the second tube. There should also be no air on the bottom of the pipet tip!