JEOPARDY Civilizations in Crisis The Ottoman Empire, Egypt and the Qing Empire
Categories The Ottoman Empire Egypt Egypt Important People The Qing Empire Important Events Vocabulary
Who was Selim III? He was the Ottoman sultan who attempted to improve administrative efficiency and build a modern navy and army, and for his efforts was assassinated by Janissaries.
Who was the Mahdi or Muhammad Achmad? He was the Sudanese Sufi leader who defeated and killed General Gordon at Khartoum and established the country of Sudan.
Who was Abdul Hamid? He was the Ottoman sultan who attempted to turn back the clock to absolute rule, and nullified the constitution of 1876 and restricted civil liberties.
Who were the Young Turks? They were the members of the Ottoman Society for Union and Progress who gained power through a political coup in 1908.
What were the Tanzimat Reforms? These were the reforms instituted in the Ottoman Empire between 1836 and 1879 including a European type Constitution.
Who were al- Afghani and Muhammad Abduh? These were the two Egyptian intellectuals who stressed using western scientific thinking to modernize Islamic education and thinking in the 19th century.
Who was Murad ( ) ? He was head of the coalition of Mamluk rulers who opposed the invasion of Napoleon and was soundly defeated at the Battle of the Pyramids in 1798.
Who was Muhammad Ali? “Float like a butterfly and oh my I am in debt” He is considered to be the Father of Modern Egypt, but ran up debts to the west and died in 1848.
Who were the Mamluks? These were the Muslim slave warriors who established a dynasty in Egypt and were defeated by Napoleon in 1798.
Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”
Who was Nurhaci? He was the Manchu leader of the 17th century who defeated the Chinese Ming and established the Qing Dynasty.
What were the Opium Wars? These were the series of Wars fought by the British against the Chinese to end a trade imbalance and force the Chinese to buy an addictive drug.
What was the Boxer Rebellion? This was the Chinese rebellion to expel foreigners from 1898 until 1901 and was led by the Society of Righteous Harmonious Fists and hence the name.
W ho was Lin Zexu? He was the 19th century Chinese bureaucrat charged with ending the Opium trade because it was hurting Chinese society.
W ho was Kangxi? He was the Qing ruler and Confucian scholar who advocated the Sinification or (making the Manchus more Chinese ).
Who were the Compradors? This was the wealthy group of merchants under the Qing Dynasty and specialized in the import and export of Chinese trade on China's southern coast.
W hat was Hong Kong ( Two systems, one country) ? This was the island port city taken in the Opium wars by the British and returned to China with much trepidation in 1997.
W hat was the Taiping Rebellion ? ?? ? This was the massive rebellion in southern China in the 1850s and 1860s led by Hong Xiuquan a mentally unbalanced Christian teacher and missionary.
Who were the Khedives ? This was the name given to the descendants of Muhammad Ali in Egypt until This was the name given to the descendants of Muhammad Ali in Egypt until 1952.
What was the Suez canal and the pathway to India and the “ Jewel in the Crown”? This is the reason Egypt was so important to the British.
W ho was Puyi not Pi Yu ? He was the last Emperor of the Qing Empire and featured in a film by that same name.
Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”
What were Banner Armies? This was the name given to the eight armies of the Manchus identified by the flags that they flew and utilized to defeat the Ming Dynasty.
What was the Shandong Peninsula? This was the Chinese Peninsula that devastated by floods and the loss of arable farmland due to neglect and political corruption.
What was the Battle of Omdurman? This was the battle where the British forces led by General Kitchener defeated and slaughtered the forces of the Mahdi and his successor Khalifa Abdallahi.
What was cotton? This was the single cash crop that Egypt became dependent on and fueled many of the campaigns against the Sudan led by Isma'il Pasha.
Who was Sun Yat-Sen ? He was the first President of the Republic of China.
Who was Zeng Guofan? He was the Chinese official and bureaucrat who raised an effective military force to fend off the Taiping Rebellion.
What was the city of Canton? This was the Chinese port city located on the Pearl River and known as Guangzhou and opened to European traders.
Who was Mahmud II? He was the 19th Ottoman Sultan who built a private army that defeated the Janissaries and initiated western reforms.
Who was Cixi? She was the conservative dowager or Queen mother who dominated the last decades of the Qing Dynasty.
What was the Chinese self- strengthening movement? This was the late 19 th century movement in China to counter western ideology and technology and led by provincial leaders.