Gorbachev’s policies of perestroika and glasnost 1.were based on the economic theories of Alexander Solzhenitsyn 2.both made him a dynamic leader and brought about his downfall 3.were the acknowledged inspiration for the programs of Boris Yeltsin 4.alerted and frightened leaders of the Russian Jewish community 5.isolated the Soviet Union from the rest of the world
The 1991 coup in the Soviet Union 1.had the cooperation of Mikhail Gorbachev 2.was publicly opposed by Boris Yeltsin 3.was led by pro-democracy elements in the military 4.brought swift military support for Gorbachev from NATO 5.dramatically slowed the pace of change in the Soviet Union
Vladimir Putin 1.made Chechnyan independence an important priority of his administration 2.staged a coup and seized power from Boris Yeltsin 3.has increased freedom of the press 4.has virtually ended poverty in Russia 5.centralized political authority in his hands
In the aftermath of the 1989 revolutions, Eastern European states have 1.alternated between authoritarian systems and limited democracy 2.sought to integrate into Western European political and economic structures 3.continued in political and military alliances with Russia 4.seen little economic growth 5.not yet joined the United Nations
Election results from East Germany in 1990 demonstrated that 1.most people wanted to remain under communist control 2.support for the communists had disappeared entirely 3.voter apathy was just as prevalent there as in West Germany 4.only a few radical reformers favored the process of reunification 5.there was support for the unification policies of the Christian Democrats
After the fall of Communism in Yugoslavia, 1.Slobodan Milosevic sought to expel minorities from his Greater Serbia 2.Albanians sought to expel ethnic Bosnians from their provinces 3.the Dayton Accords brought an uneasy peace to the Balkans until all references to the Tito regime were erased from school textbooks 5.Warsaw Pact nations were forced to intervene in order to prevent genocide
The war in Kosovo 1.began in did not have the participation of the United States 3.was eventually won by Yugoslavia 4.was designed to ensure rights for ethnic Albanians 5.brought immediate independence for Kosovo
Parti Quebecois campaigned in French-speaking Quebec for 1.secession from the Canadian Union 2.separate trade agreements with the Canadian National Government 3.separate trade agreements with the United States 4.separate trade agreements with the French Government 5.border control of the Canadian Great Lakes region
Agricultural subsidies were provided for many European farmers through 1.NATO 2.NAFTA 3.the UN 4.the European Union 5.the World Trade Organization
The end of the Cold War 1.saw an end to most of the world’s major problems 2.could have easily happened in the 1950s if the United States had wanted it 3.left the world with only two superpowers 4.was initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev 5.did not occur until several years after the disintegration of the Soviet Union
The September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States were carried out by 1.agents of the Iraqi government 2.Palestinian terrorists 3.Syrian militants 4.members of al-Qaeda 5.Afghani soldiers and supporters of the Taliban
After 1970, right-wing parties in Western countries found a popular issue in the 1.high costs of maintaining military defenses against Communism 2.continuing American military presence on the continent 3.large numbers of non-white immigrants flooding into their countries 4.declining quality of health care and environmental protection 5.rolling back immigration restrictions and requirements
All of the following statements about Islam in the early twenty-first century are true except 1.Muslims were unsuccessful in their attempts to establish communities in western Europe. 2.Fundamentalists called for a return to traditional Islamic values. 3.Militant Muslims favored aggressive actions against Western influence. 4.The Islamic population is growing in the western world. 5.Some Muslims consider fighting the west as part of the Holy Jihad.
Fundamentalism is a religious movement that 1.is confined to Christianity 2.struggles against many aspects of secular culture 3.rejects all involvement in politics 4.has been in decline since the end of World War II 5.originated in response to the sexual revolution of the 1960s
The global economy 1.fosters globalization 2.is essentially run by a handful of transnational corporations 3.hinders the development of multiculturalism 4.was more relevant in the 1980s than it is now 5.has little effect on the Earth’s environmental health