Meaningfulness and Meaninglessness in the old age AM I WHERE I BELONG? Joana Butenaite Institute of Psychology Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
The basic motivation in human life (Frankl, 2010). Meaning in life The basic motivation in human life (Frankl, 2010). „The cognizance of order, coherence and purpose in one’s existence” (Reker, 2000).
Meaning in the old life E. Erikson (1959): old life is defined as the crisis of integrity versus despair.
Research questions How elderly women experience meaningfulness and meaninglessness in their life in the Lithuanian context?
Methods Semi-structured interviews Transcription of interviews Text analysis: interpretative phenomenological by Smith (2009)
Research results 2 categories of participants: feeling sense of meaningfulness meaninglessness
Main themes Self-Maturity, Connection with the Others, Life's Acceptance.
Self-Maturity NEED OF KNOWLEDGE SENSE OF MEANINGFULNESS MEANINGLESSNESS “Thank God, I still have a desire to know more [...] more of everything to know” NEED OF KNOWLEDGE
Self-Maturity SENSE OF MEANINGFULNESS MEANINGLESSNESS “for everything the only responsible is you” „I could define somehow, say something, take some kind of decisions, but I'm not engaged in this“ SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY LACK OF RESPONSIBILITY
Self-Maturity SENSE OF MEANINGFULNESS MEANINGLESSNESS „[as] with chamomile in the head“ “completely no big ideas or dreams I have today” INTERNAL MOTIVATION LACK OF INTERNAL MOTIVATION
Connection with the Others SENSE OF MEANINGFULNESS MEANINGLESSNESS “if I go to my daughter or meet with my friends then my heart beats fine and my blood-pressure doesn’t increase” THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCIABILITY
Connection with the Others SENSE OF MEANINGFULNESS MEANINGLESSNESS “It’s great when you can give” “I’m in a complicated condition” FOCUS ON THE OTHERS SELF-FOCUS
Connection with the Others SENSE OF MEANINGFULNESS MEANINGLESSNESS „[husband] hardly even gets to the toilet, needs escorting, also in the night needs assistance” "I said to my grandchildren: you’ve been put a hand, but not your children” ACTIVE ROLE ROLE CONFUSION
Life‘s Acceptance SENSE OF MEANINGFULNESS MEANINGLESSNESS “[I’m] really enjoying every day because now I treasure it” "Memories are the only paradise from which no one can expel me” SATISFACTION WITH THE PRESENT IDEALIZED PAST
“I refused it [life] straight voluntarily” Life‘s Acceptance SENSE OF MEANINGFULNESS MEANINGLESSNESS “as they are now complaining here, […] [I] even start thinking why to complain about?” “I refused it [life] straight voluntarily” POSITIVE COPING NEGATIVE COPING
“Connection with the Others”, Conclusions On the basis of meaningfulness or meaninglessness that participants experienced main themes were identified: “Self-Maturity”, “Connection with the Others”, “Life's Acceptance”.
Conclusions Older women sensing the meaning of life take responsibility for their own lives and inner motivation, they are altruistic and active in their environment. They positively overcome difficulties and are satisfied with their current life. Older woman sensing meaninglessness lacks the responsibility for her own life and inner motivation, she is focused on herself and experiences role confusion. She negatively take challenges in her life and lives in an idealized past.
Good luck in finding meaning of your life!