Welcome to Mrs. Mecher’s Room Curriculum Night 6:30-7:45 P.M. August 25: Grade 1 Classroom Presentation at 7:30 P.M. August 26: Grade 2 Classroom Presentation at 6:50 P.M.
All About Me O I reside in Frankfort Square with my husband (Jeff) and two children (Liam and Delaney). Liam is starting Kindergarten this year, and Delaney is beginning hers school career in preschool. It’s a big year for the Mechers! O I have one older brother (Steve) who serves in the United States Air Force. He currently lives in Okinawa(Japan) with his wife (Megan) and daughter (Addison). He will retire after 20 years of service in August 2015, and will move back to the states. We are very proud of him. O When I am not teaching, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, swimming, exercising, shopping, reading, and traveling.
School Smarts O Attended District 140 schools in Tinley Park for grades K-8 O Graduated from Andrew High School O Bachelors Degree in Special Education and Elementary Education from Eastern Illinois University O Master’s in Teaching and Leadership from St. Xavier University O 14 th year as a teacher in the district O Taught at Indian Trail and at Rogus as a 3 rd grade teacher, Resource teacher (K-4), Specialized Instruction (S.I.) K-4, Targeted Instructional Program (TIP) 1-3 O Participated in Dancing with the Teachers in 2013
Classroom Expectations O Eyes Watching O Ears Listening O Voice Quiet O Body Still O Raise your hand. O Follow directions. O Try your best.
Visual Classroom O Hands-on and visual learning environment: O Daily Picture Schedule O Daily charts for services and specials O Choice Board (break time activity on Fridays) O Picture cards for behavioral reminders
Amazing Behavior O Students can earn a penny for staying on “green”. O 5 pennies = 1 nickel and a sticker O 5 nickels = Prize Box O Three warnings (“That’s one…”= color change to yellow. O Three more warnings = color change to red (5 minute Time-Out)
P.B.I.S. Expectations O Be Respectful O Be Responsible O Be Safe O Students can earn tickets from any staff member. Tickets are earned for good behavior in school. Students can save their tickets to buy prizes from “The Eagle’s Nest” or to earn school activities (such as: lunch with teacher, read to a class, or art project).
Homework Expectations O Homework will be sent home most every day (Monday- Thursday) O Sometimes homework will be sent home the first day of the week and will be due the last day of the week. Due date will be written on assignment. O Students and parents should read at home daily. O If homework is not sent home, students can choose from the following. This list also includes extra practice ideas: O See “Cool Links” on my web page for learning activities on the computer. O Fundations Practice (Spelling & Dictation) O Math facts (addition and subtraction) O Reading books and/or flash cards
Weapons Policy O “Illinois Law requires that the school officials expel a student who is determined to have a weapon at school, or any school sponsored activity or event, which bears a reasonable relationship to school. Weapons including not only guns, buy also look alike, and any object used to cause or threaten injury. The expulsion from school must be for a period of time of not less than one year except that the Superintendent of the School Board may modify the expulsion period on a case-by – case basis. Students, who threaten to use a weapon, even in intended as a joke, will also be dealt seriously in order to maintain the safely of students and district 161 employees. All teachers are expected to explain this policy to all students on the first day of school.”
Grade Level Projects & Activities O Some projects and special activities may include: O Grandparents’ Day (September)- 1 st & 2nd O Polar Express (December)- 1st O Gingerbread Houses (December)- 1st O Field Trip (TBD)- 1 st & 2nd O Cinco de Mayo (May)- 1st O Chinese New Year (January)- 1 st O Wax Museum- 2 nd O Field Days (End-of-the-year) O Assemblies
Report Cards O First Graders will receive a letter grade for each subject: O Reading O Language Arts (includes Spelling) O Math O Science (3 rd and 4 th quarters only) O Social Studies (3 rd and 4 th quarters only) O All Specials (Music, Art, Technology, P.E.) O Second Graders will receive a letter grade for each subject: O Reading O Language Arts O Spelling O Math O Science O Social Studies O All Specials (Music, Art, Technology, P.E.)
I.E.P. Notes O Parents will receive IEP goal updates at the end of each quarter (sent home with report card). O You will receive an IEP Notification of Conference (“invite”) prior to each meeting. O Each student will have an Annual Review each calendar year. O Please see me with specific questions. O If your child is due for their 3-year re-evaluation, I will be in contact with you to set up a date for the Domain Conference.
Service Providers O Speech/ Language: O Ms. Bowen (1 st Graders) O Ms. Clock (2 nd Graders) O Social Work O Ms. Carroll O OT O Mrs. Crum O ELL: O Mrs. Dompeling
Paraprofessionals with Mrs. Mecher O Mrs. Ann Spadoni (with Mrs. Mecher’s class all day) O Ms. Naples and Ms. Nemceck will rotate attending Specials with our 2 nd graders.
General Information O Parent Handbook O O Virtual Backpack
Communication O O O School Phone: O (815) O T.I.P. Topics: O Mrs. Mecher’s Weekly Newsletter O Found on my website weekly O I will also send home a paper copy every Friday. O District Website: O O Dr. Julian Rogus O Teacher Pages O Mrs. Mecher
Parent-Teacher Conferences O Monday, November 24 O Tuesday, November 25 O Please use the sign-up sheets to sign-up for a time to meet with me. O Please use a Post-it to write down your day and time. O I will send home a reminder closer to P/T Conferences.