to run off and hide abscond
stay, respite, a temporary relief reprieve
chaos, disorder, turmoil anarchy
postpone, delay reprieve
cremate, burn to ashes incinerate
theft, robbery larceny
dishearten, discourage daunt
lifeless, inert; without energy inanimate
dupe, deceive hoodwink
preordained, destined, determined in advance fated
entry, admittance access
supple, flexible pliant
cliff, ledge precipice
laborious, fatiguing, difficult arduous
valiant, audacious, courageous, daring, fearless, brave intrepid
remedy, set right rectify
pretentious, bombastic, highfalutin pompous
unravel, unwind, unsnarl disentangle
malign, vilify, denounce, to attack with words revile
bigoted, unfair, partial biased
promising, favorable; fortunate auspicious
partner in crime accomplice
stimulus, instigator catalyst
hidden, undeveloped latent
submit, give way to succumb
slipshod, sloppy, slapdash
chatter, babble prattle
obliterate, demolish annihilate
to make easier, to assist facilitate
unruly, beyond control incorrigible
not letting light through opaque
saucy, bold, shameless brazen
given to fighting militant
supreme, foremost, primary paramount
disprove, confute rebut
still, motionless, fetid stagnant
morbid, doleful; not sociable morose
a large-scale departure or flight exodus
capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary
slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude
to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand
to stop proceedings temporarily; move to another place adjourn
having a pleasing appearance comely
a trick feint
to strengthen fortify
to make fun of rudely jeer
exotic, unfamiliar alien
immoral, corrupt dissolute
the process of driving or forcing out expulsion
food for horses fodder
pay back, reimburse compensate
Irregular, unpredictable erratic
raw material for a designated purpose fodder
concise, short and sweet terse
multiply, burgeon, increase proliferate
Ordinary, run-of- the-mill mediocre
subdue, vanquish, conquer subjugate
tempt, to tease tantalize
unwavering, firm unflinching
unreadable illegible
taint, soil, stain sully
profitable Lucrative
stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED
stimulus, instigator catalyst
saucy, bold, shameless brazen
partner in crime accomplice
submit, give way to succumb
slipshod, sloppy, slapdash
chatter, babble prattle
obliterate, demolish annihilate
to make easier, to assist Facilitate
filch, rob, swipe pilfer
a likeness semblance
conclude, finish terminate
seize illegally usurp
angry, livid irate
excessive fatness obesity
looter, pirate marauder
to make up, devise fabricate
famous, outstanding, renowned eminent
livid, angry irate
to overcome surmount
excessive fatness obesity
split, breach, break rift
commonplace, overused, hackneyed trite
attached, sticking to adherent
expel, dispel; to drive out exorcise
an extremely poor person pauper
a follower, supporter adherent
an angry argument altercation
to make shorter abridge
ignore, wink at condone
angelic cherubic
to disagree dissent
filch, rob, swipe pilfer
a likeness semblance
conclude, finish terminate
seize illegally usurp
angry, livid irate
looter, pirate marauder
hidden, undeveloped latent
unruly, beyond control incorrigible
not letting light through opaque
given to fighting militant
supreme, foremost, primary paramount
a large-scale departure or flight exodus
disprove, confute rebut
morbid, doleful; not sociable morose
capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary
slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude
submit, give way to succumb
to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand
still, motionless, fetid stagnant
partner in crime accomplice
stimulus, instigator catalyst
hidden, undeveloped latent
thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND
to let go; give up RELINQUISH
careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT
an opening; to break through BREACH
to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER
A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA
A complete standstill DEADLOCK
to wipe out; to erase EFFACE
awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME
a hopeless mess MUDDLE
scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS
uncontrolled UNBRIDLED
to scold admonish
to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE
false, not true SPURIOUS
stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED
thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND
to let go; give up RELINQUISH
careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT
an opening; to break through BREACH
to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER
A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA
A complete standstill DEADLOCK
to wipe out; to erase EFFACE
awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME
a hopeless mess MUDDLE
scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS
uncontrolled UNBRIDLED
to scold admonish
to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE
false, not true SPURIOUS
to run off and hide abscond
stay, respite, a temporary relief reprieve
chaos, disorder, turmoil anarchy
postpone, delay reprieve
cremate, burn to ashes incinerate
theft, robbery larceny
dishearten, discourage daunt
lifeless, inert; without energy inanimate
dupe, deceive hoodwink
preordained, destined, determined in advance fated
entry, admittance access
supple, flexible pliant
cliff, ledge precipice
laborious, fatiguing, difficult arduous
valiant, audacious, courageous, daring, fearless, brave intrepid
remedy, set right rectify
pretentious, bombastic, highfalutin pompous
unravel, unwind, unsnarl disentangle
malign, vilify, denounce, to attack with words revile
bigoted, unfair, partial biased
promising, favorable; fortunate auspicious
partner in crime accomplice
stimulus, instigator catalyst
hidden, undeveloped latent
submit, give way to succumb
slipshod, sloppy, slapdash
chatter, babble prattle
obliterate, demolish annihilate
to make easier, to assist facilitate
unruly, beyond control incorrigible
not letting light through opaque
saucy, bold, shameless brazen
given to fighting militant
supreme, foremost, primary paramount
disprove, confute rebut
still, motionless, fetid stagnant
morbid, doleful; not sociable morose
a large-scale departure or flight exodus
capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary
slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude
to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand
to stop proceedings temporarily; move to another place adjourn
having a pleasing appearance comely
a trick feint
to strengthen fortify
to make fun of rudely jeer
exotic, unfamiliar alien
immoral, corrupt dissolute
the process of driving or forcing out expulsion
food for horses fodder
pay back, reimburse compensate
Irregular, unpredictable erratic
raw material for a designated purpose fodder
concise, short and sweet terse
multiply, burgeon, increase proliferate
Ordinary, run-of- the-mill mediocre
subdue, vanquish, conquer subjugate
tempt, to tease tantalize
unwavering, firm unflinching
unreadable illegible
taint, soil, stain sully
profitable Lucrative
stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED
stimulus, instigator catalyst
saucy, bold, shameless brazen
partner in crime accomplice
submit, give way to succumb
slipshod, sloppy, slapdash
chatter, babble prattle
obliterate, demolish annihilate
to make easier, to assist Facilitate
filch, rob, swipe pilfer
a likeness semblance
conclude, finish terminate
seize illegally usurp
angry, livid irate
excessive fatness obesity
looter, pirate marauder
to make up, devise fabricate
famous, outstanding, renowned eminent
livid, angry irate
to overcome surmount
excessive fatness obesity
split, breach, break rift
commonplace, overused, hackneyed trite
attached, sticking to adherent
expel, dispel; to drive out exorcise
an extremely poor person pauper
a follower, supporter adherent
an angry argument altercation
to make shorter abridge
ignore, wink at condone
angelic cherubic
to disagree dissent
filch, rob, swipe pilfer
a likeness semblance
conclude, finish terminate
seize illegally usurp
angry, livid irate
looter, pirate marauder
hidden, undeveloped latent
unruly, beyond control incorrigible
not letting light through opaque
given to fighting militant
supreme, foremost, primary paramount
a large-scale departure or flight exodus
disprove, confute rebut
morbid, doleful; not sociable morose
capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary
slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude
submit, give way to succumb
to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand
still, motionless, fetid stagnant
partner in crime accomplice
stimulus, instigator catalyst
hidden, undeveloped latent
thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND
to let go; give up RELINQUISH
careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT
an opening; to break through BREACH
to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER
A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA
A complete standstill DEADLOCK
to wipe out; to erase EFFACE
awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME
a hopeless mess MUDDLE
scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS
uncontrolled UNBRIDLED
to scold admonish
to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE
false, not true SPURIOUS
stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED
thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND
to let go; give up RELINQUISH
careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT
an opening; to break through BREACH
to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER
A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA
A complete standstill DEADLOCK
to wipe out; to erase EFFACE
awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME
a hopeless mess MUDDLE
scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS
uncontrolled UNBRIDLED
to scold admonish
to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE
false, not true SPURIOUS
to run off and hide abscond
stay, respite, a temporary relief reprieve
chaos, disorder, turmoil anarchy
postpone, delay reprieve
cremate, burn to ashes incinerate
theft, robbery larceny
dishearten, discourage daunt
lifeless, inert; without energy inanimate
dupe, deceive hoodwink
preordained, destined, determined in advance fated
entry, admittance access
supple, flexible pliant
cliff, ledge precipice
laborious, fatiguing, difficult arduous
valiant, audacious, courageous, daring, fearless, brave intrepid
remedy, set right rectify
pretentious, bombastic, highfalutin pompous
unravel, unwind, unsnarl disentangle
malign, vilify, denounce, to attack with words revile
bigoted, unfair, partial biased
promising, favorable; fortunate auspicious
partner in crime accomplice
stimulus, instigator catalyst
hidden, undeveloped latent
submit, give way to succumb
slipshod, sloppy, slapdash
chatter, babble prattle
obliterate, demolish annihilate
to make easier, to assist facilitate
unruly, beyond control incorrigible
not letting light through opaque
saucy, bold, shameless brazen
given to fighting militant
supreme, foremost, primary paramount
disprove, confute rebut
still, motionless, fetid stagnant
morbid, doleful; not sociable morose
a large-scale departure or flight exodus
capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary
slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude
to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand
to stop proceedings temporarily; move to another place adjourn
having a pleasing appearance comely
a trick feint
to strengthen fortify
to make fun of rudely jeer
exotic, unfamiliar alien
immoral, corrupt dissolute
the process of driving or forcing out expulsion
food for horses fodder
pay back, reimburse compensate
Irregular, unpredictable erratic
raw material for a designated purpose fodder
concise, short and sweet terse
multiply, burgeon, increase proliferate
Ordinary, run-of- the-mill mediocre
subdue, vanquish, conquer subjugate
tempt, to tease tantalize
unwavering, firm unflinching
unreadable illegible
taint, soil, stain sully
profitable Lucrative
stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED
stimulus, instigator catalyst
saucy, bold, shameless brazen
partner in crime accomplice
submit, give way to succumb
slipshod, sloppy, slapdash
chatter, babble prattle
obliterate, demolish annihilate
to make easier, to assist Facilitate
filch, rob, swipe pilfer
a likeness semblance
conclude, finish terminate
seize illegally usurp
angry, livid irate
excessive fatness obesity
looter, pirate marauder
to make up, devise fabricate
famous, outstanding, renowned eminent
livid, angry irate
to overcome surmount
excessive fatness obesity
split, breach, break rift
commonplace, overused, hackneyed trite
attached, sticking to adherent
expel, dispel; to drive out exorcise
an extremely poor person pauper
a follower, supporter adherent
an angry argument altercation
to make shorter abridge
ignore, wink at condone
angelic cherubic
to disagree dissent
filch, rob, swipe pilfer
a likeness semblance
conclude, finish terminate
seize illegally usurp
angry, livid irate
looter, pirate marauder
hidden, undeveloped latent
unruly, beyond control incorrigible
not letting light through opaque
given to fighting militant
supreme, foremost, primary paramount
a large-scale departure or flight exodus
disprove, confute rebut
morbid, doleful; not sociable morose
capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary
slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude
submit, give way to succumb
to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand
still, motionless, fetid stagnant
partner in crime accomplice
stimulus, instigator catalyst
hidden, undeveloped latent
thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND
to let go; give up RELINQUISH
careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT
an opening; to break through BREACH
to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER
A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA
A complete standstill DEADLOCK
to wipe out; to erase EFFACE
awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME
a hopeless mess MUDDLE
scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS
uncontrolled UNBRIDLED
to scold admonish
to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE
false, not true SPURIOUS
stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED
thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND
to let go; give up RELINQUISH
careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT
an opening; to break through BREACH
to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER
A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA
A complete standstill DEADLOCK
to wipe out; to erase EFFACE
awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME
a hopeless mess MUDDLE
scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS
uncontrolled UNBRIDLED
to scold admonish
to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE
false, not true SPURIOUS