Moral vs. Legal
Abortion Premature expulsion of a human fetus, ___/natural or ___ Spontaneous: naturally ending/___ Induced: artificial (___or ___)
Federal Law 1973 ___ vs. ___ A woman's right to an abortion was a ___right A woman has a right to an abortion ___of such things as ___of mother, knowledge &/or ___of the father, ___of a physician, ___of mother, health of ___, ___of fetus, ___status of the family, ___of conception (love, rape, incest), ___law ___of pregnancy – Use to be a factor but recently the Supreme Court ruled against Partial Birth Abortion
State Law ___: individual states pass laws that ___or ___the right to an abortion.
Catholic Church vs. China It is not just fetal tissue, but a baby Catechism of the Catholic Church: “Human life must be ___and ___absolutely from the moment of ___…” The church is clearly saying that it is ___ for a woman to choose to have an abortion. Two exceptions: ___or ___womb China: ___abortions
Social Norm: In-between Most people feel abortion is wrong, but feel there are some difficult cases in which it might be acceptable ___ ___fetus ___ to the mother In U.S less than ___% fall into a “difficult case” category Approximately ___% of abortions is induced for elective, non- medical reasons.
Pro-Choice Concerned only with the ___question. Abortion should be a ___for a woman to make in her ___, not a legal matter to be decided by the courts. They say they are personally against abortion but do not want to ___their personal morality on others.
Pro-Abortion Not only accept abortion on ___as moral and legal, but advocate abortion as a ___solution to many problem pregnancies. Usually call themselves pro-choice and present their arguments as the rights of a mother to ___her own body.
Chemical Abortions RU ___ First Trimester Procedure: ___ pills. The first pill decreases ___which starves the baby. Second pill causes ___to expel the baby. Side Effects: prolonged, severe bleeding, nausea, vomiting, pain, ___.
Surgical Abortions ___ ___Trimester Procedure: Powerful suction tube with ___ Side Effects: Uterus could be ___ because some fetal tissue or placenta left behind D & C: Dilatation and Curettage Procedure: ___shaped steel knife Side Effects: blood loss, could cut uterus; infection
D & C: Dilatation and Curettage ____ Trimester Procedure: Dilatation and then suction Side Effects: blood loss, could cut uterus; infection