Tough Softies!
Kingdom: Animalia ◦ Phylum: Mollusca (Mollusks) Class: Bivalvia (Bivalves) Class: Cephalopoda (Cephalopods) Class: Gastroboda (Gastropods) Mollusca is the second most diverse (second most number of species) phylum in the animal kingdom!
soft-bodied bilateral symmetry coelomates ◦ allows for some organ movement ◦ allows for organ filling and emptying most have a shell 3 part body plan ◦ visceral mass ◦ mantle ◦ foot
have radula (except bivalves) ◦ tongue-like organ covered with teeth nephridia ◦ tubular structure to filter sugars, salts to keep and toxins to expel three chambered heart open circulatory system (except octopuses)
most breathe with gills ◦ located in mantle cavity ◦ extract 50% of dissolved oxygen ◦ terrestrial snails have primitive lungs that must stay moist ◦ some sea snails breathe through skin most have separate sexes ◦ some snails and slugs are hermaphrodites ◦ some slugs and oysters can change sex ◦ trochophore larva
“stomach-feet” snails and slugs terrestrial, freshwater, or terrestrial most have tentacles with eyes on head most have one shell ◦ slugs and nudibranches have none slide on mucus or fly through water use their radula in many different ways ◦ herbivores or predators ◦ nudibranches can capture and use nematocysts to hunt
“head-feet” Octopus, squid, cuttlefish, nautilus tentacles ◦ 8-90 ◦ suction cups or hooks lack shell ◦ nautilus has a shell ◦ squid and cuttlefish has internal shell well-developed brain jet propulsion ◦ draw water into mantle cavity and expel it through siphon squid and octopuses can release “ink”
“two-doors” muscles, oysters, clams, scallops nacre – mother-of- pearl coating in shells no distinct head, no radula most are sessile ◦ scallops move filter-feed ◦ particles moved along gills to mucus-covered groove into mouth