Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System Put the following labels on your diagram. Do it in pencil so you can fix any mistakes you may make. Seminal Vesicle Prostate Gland Cowper’s Gland Urethra Vas Deferens Penis Epididymis Scrotum Erectile Tissue Testicle
Male Reproductive System Vas Deferens Seminal Vesicle Urethra Prostate Gland Erectile Tissue Cowper’s Gland Penis Epididymis Testis Scrotum
Testes Testes are responsible for making testosterone, the primary male sex hormone. Also create sperm within coiled masses of tubes called seminiferous tubules.
Seminiferous Tubules
Testes The epididymis is a long, coiled tube that rests on the backside of each testicle. It transports and stores sperm cells that are produced in the testes. It also bring the sperm to maturity, since the sperm that emerge from the testes are immature and incapable of fertilization.
Testes The vas deferens is a long, muscular tube that travels from the epididymis into the pelvic cavity. The vas deferens transports mature sperm to the urethra.
Urethra The function of the urethra is two fold in males. It carries urine from the bladder to outside of the body. Also delivers sperm and semen when the man reaches orgasm.
Penis The male organ used in sexual intercourse is the penis. The body (shaft) of the penis is cylindrical in shape and consists of 3 circular shaped chambers. These chambers are made up of special, sponge-like tissue that fills with blood when the man is sexually aroused.
Glands Cowper's Gland is a pea-sized gland that produce an alkaline fluid that forms part of the semen. The fluid neutralizes the acidic environment of the urethra, thereby protecting the sperm.
Glands The prostate gland stores and produces seminal fluid. Seminal fluid is a milky liquid that nourishes sperm. The urethra runs directly through the prostate. The prostate contains some smooth muscles that help expel semen during ejaculation.
Glands The seminal vesicles secretes about 70% the fluid that ultimately becomes semen. The thick secretions contain proteins, enzymes, fructose, vitamin C and other compounds. Also contains smooth muscular walls that expel semen during ejaculation.
Sperm Each sperm looks like a tadpole, with a head (containing nucleus), a body and a tail which is used for swimming.
Sperm Draw a sperm in your notes and label the head, body, tail and acrosome.