PURPOSE It provides you a structured format to help you develop plans.. Used by all levels of command.. They help you to make best use of time, facilities & personnel..
BAMCIS.. B…... Begin planning A…... Arrange for recon & coordination M….. Make reconnaissance C….. Complete the plan I…… issue the order S……supervise activities..
BEGIN PLANNING Normally an order does not produce itself. They are developed at higher levels of command. You customize the order to fit your mission. There are other situations where small units operate independently, such as when a battalion conducts a NEO
(1) Step Plan use of available time Once you receive the order from the platoon commander, you must use your time wisely Use Reverse planning-is where you take the last action and work back to when you receive the order Formulate a preliminary plan (tentative) Issue the warning order
Inspect your squad Finalize the fire team operation order Arrange for a recon Inspect the assembly area Make a recon Issue the warning order Begin the operation Receive the warning order from the squad leader
Begin Planning 1430: Begin the operation 1415: Inspect assembly area 1400: Inspect your squad 1315: Issue the operation order 1300: Finalize the fire team op 1200: Make recon 1100: Arrange for a recon 1030: Issue the warning order 1000: Receive the warning order
(2) Warning Order Format Situation. E.F. Mission.(5W’s) General instructions: 1. Name 2. Chain of Command 3. General Organization 4. Spec. Organization (teams) 5. Duties 6. Arms,Ammo, Equip 7. Gear common to all 8. Time Schedule
Arrange for Recon and Coordination Reconnaissance: a. Visual ground recon b. Aerial recon c. Aerial photo recon d. Map recon Coordination: a. Any units adjacent b. Exit & entry points out of friendly lines c. Supporting units d. Higher command
Make a Reconnaissance During this step you actually conduct the reconnaissance and coordination with adjacent units.. This is where you actually look at the terrain
Complete the Plan… You will review your preliminary plan, based on your recon A patrol order can be described as a five paragraph order… To help you write down your completed plan use the acronym SMEAC
SMEAC S….. Situation M…. Mission E…. Execution A…. Administration and Logistics C…. Command and signals
SITUATION 1. Enemy Forces 2. Friendly Forces 3. Attachments and Detachments
Enemy Forces a. Weather and Astronomical Data b. Terrain (When you see the enemy use a report call)
Enemy Forces c. Enemy Situation S.. Size A.. Activity L.. Location U.. Unit T.. Time E.. Equipment
Friendly Situation Remember acronym HAS; H…….Higher A…….Adjacent S…….Support
Attachments and Detachments Relates to units attached or detached to and/or from your unit
MISSION A clear, concise statement of the task to be accomplished. Also includes grid coordinates. The 5 “Ws” 1. Who 2. What 3. Where 4. When 5. Why
EXECUTION You must be as specific, detailed and comprehensive as possible. There are 3 major subparagraphs. 1. Concept of Operations.. 2. Tasks 3. Coordinating Instructions
1. Concept of Operation This is the general overview of how the mission will be accomplished It includes the overall plan. Includes the basic formations to be used.
2. Tasks This is a detailed listing of how each element and/or individual will accomplish their part of the mission. It will cover every phase of the mission from beginning, while on the objective, to the return, to the end. The task of the Attachments should be covered last
3. Coordinating Instructions Times of departure and return Formations Order of Movement Primary and alternate routes Checkpoints Procedures for departure and reentry of friendly areas Actions for Immediate Action(IA)Drills Actions at rallying points Where,when and whom for debriefing
ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS Beans: How many rations, who will draw/distribute rations and resupply Bullets: Who will be taking special weapons, how much ammo is being taken and next resupply Bad Guys: Handling of EPWs
ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS Bandages: a. Transportation of wounded b. Every attempt must be made to take our dead Marines home. c. State location of corpsman within the formation during entire mission
COMMAND & SIGNALS COMMAND: a. Chain of Command b. Leaders location for the entire mission SIGNALS: a. Cover all signals used.(A,P,A) b. Communication Plan(sitreps) c. Primary/Alternate frequencies d. Challenge and Passwords
ISSUE THE ORDER Give orally and have the complete attention of your unit. Insure all unit members are present. State with an orientation Use visual aids, such as a terrain model Hold all questions until the end of the order to prevent interruptions. Conclude the order with a time check.
SUPERVISE ACTIVITIES.. Most important of the troop leading steps Continuously supervise to ensure the order is carried out as intended “Trust Tactics” isn’t an excuse for poor supervision Conduct an inspection on weapons, ammo, mission essential gear, tactically prepared gear, and always test knowledge of mission. Conduct a rehearsal