The Objectives of Leadership 1 Leadership Category The Objectives of Leadership To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides
1 Leadership Category Purpose This lesson is designed to explain the primary and secondary objectives of leadership as defined by the Marine Corps. To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides
1 Objectives (testable) Leadership Terminal Learning Objective. Category Objectives (testable) Terminal Learning Objective. Explain the Leadership Objectives Enabling Learning Objectives. Identify the primary and secondary objective of leadership Describe the objective of mission accomplishment Explain the objective of troop welfare To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides
1 OBJECTIVES Leadership TROOP WELFARE / MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT Category OBJECTIVES TROOP WELFARE / MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides What’s more important???
1 Mission Accomplishment Leadership Category Mission Accomplishment Know your job and complete the task regardless of obstacles To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides
1 Troop Welfare Leadership Category Troop Welfare Know your subordinates and take care of them To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides
1 Can the two conflict? Leadership Category To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides
1 CASE STUDY Leadership Category To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides
1 Leadership Category Summary Identify the primary and secondary objective of leadership Describe the objective of mission accomplishment Explain the objective of troop welfare To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides
1 ? Questions Leadership Category To add multiple slides to this slideshow with the same formatting: INSERT-new slide (ctrl+m) (just the background graphics will appear) Click on ‘Blank’ Click on OK Select All (ctrl+a) text from first slide Copy text (ctrl+c) Go to slide where text needs to be inserted Paste (ctrl+p) into other slides