Goose Pond Summer Camp Merit Badge / High Adventure Program Info May 27, 2008
Merit Badge Guidance Up to Four MBs Depending Upon Badge Selection Merit Badge Books Available from Troop Library, On Line ( or Council for Purchase New Scout Program (Pathways – see next page) Includes “Handicraft Duo” Merit Badges –Basketry and Woodcarving or –Basketry and Leatherwork Scoutmaster Must Register All Scouts for Their Selections Before Camp Prerequisites Summarized in this Presentation –Work on the Prereqs NOW!
Pathways Program (New Scouts) Focuses on Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class Requirements –All Day Session for New Scouts –Open Sessions for Younger Scouts Needing Specific Requirements Skill Sessions in the Morning; MB Session After Lunch Afternoons Open to Join Troop in Fun Activities Two Assistant Scoutmasters Required to Support Program Merit Badges: –Basketry –Woodcarving or Leatherwork
Merit Badge Opportunities
BSA Certifications BSA Certifications Offered: –BSA Lifeguard –BSA Kayaking –BSA Snorkeling Times Will Be Set By Camp Staff Once Registered at Camp
Merit Badge Schedule
MB Prerequisites
High Adventure Programs Outpost Treks –A day of Snorkeling –A day of Climbing and Rapelling –A taste of Geocaching –A Trek of Whitewater Canoeing –A day of Mountain Biking Project C.O.P.E. (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) –Day long introduction to C.O.P.E. –Week-Long C.O.P.E. (Min. Age 13) –Patrol “Try Out” C.O.P.E. –Swing on tires, walk on wires, climb and rappel a tower, ride a zip line, learn teamwork, test your problem solving skills Can Be Selected in Addition to MBs! 2 pm – 5 pm daily Afternoons or Evenings
High Adventure Programs (Cont’d) Goose Pond Voyagers –Allows Crews of Older Scouts to organize their own week long adventure –Combines teamwork, leadership, and responsibility along with advanced outdoor skills –Not set format – Crew plans week’s program on Mon. May spend several nights doing outpost camping Can spend part of each day with Troop Challenges and program is up to each Crew –Can still earn MBs, but instruction is through hands-on challenges and real-life obstacles rather than traditional hour- long sessions –Each Crew will have its own adult Voyager Guide –Limit of 6 applicants –No additional cost Older Scouts Only ( 15 years old or 14 years old and completed 8th grade)
MB and Program Selection Form Voyager Crew applicants should still select Merit Badges.