1 Health Realization: Preparing Girl Scout Troop 5527 For the Future Jeannette Linger PUBH 580 August 4, 2008
2 This is Girl Scout Troop They are our future!
3 Purpose of Girl Scout Program The Girl Scout program is based on the Girl Scout Promise and Law and four fundamental goals that encourage girls to Develop to their full potential Relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect Develop a meaningful set of values to guide their actions and to provide for sound decision-making Contribute to the improvement of society Source: Girls Scouts of the USA: Program Goals.
4 Purpose To prepare Girl Scouts to be better able to successfully meet life’s challenges by providing the scouts and their parents with a basic understanding of the three Principles of Health Realization: Mind Consciousness Thought
5 Outline Discuss the definitions of Health Realization, MIND, CONSCIOUSNESS, and THOUGHT; reality and moods Discuss how our THOUGHTS create our reality Discuss that everyone experiences high-moods and low-moods Discuss the best way to deal with moods when faced with a challenge Discuss that we are always thinking and we only experience what we’re thinking Discuss that CONSCIOUSNESS is what allows us to experience our THOUGHTS Discuss that all three Principles must be present to experience
6 Definitions MIND The source of life itself, The creator, God CONSCIOUSNESS The power to experience THOUGHT Our creative force, the gift of creation
7 Definitions Health Realization The understanding of the three Principles An approach to help people live more in well-being through seeing the three Principles in action in their lives
8 The Three Principles All three Principles are critical elements through which we experience and interact with life events Without any one of the three we would have no experience Without Mind, we wouldn’t even exist
9 What is Reality? When we have a thought our consciousness brings the thoughts to life, making them look “real” as if we are having a real experience Reality comes from our own thinking As our thinking changes our “reality” changes
10 Exercise One - Reality Draw a picture of a flower Look at each others’ drawings and describe what a flower is to you
11 What is a Mood? A mood is a feeling. You can be in a high-mood or a low-mood A high-mood is when you’re feeling calm and having peace of mind, Happy! A low-mood is when you’re feeling insecure or stressed, Sad or Angry!
12 Exercise Two – Moods You made a D on your Math test and are afraid to show it to your parents. Role play (parents, child) a discussion regarding the grade assuming both you and your parents are in low-moods Role play (parents, child) a discussion regarding the grade assuming both you and your parents are in high-moods Role play (parents, child) a discussion regarding the grade assuming you are in a low-mood but your parents are in a high-mood Role play (parents, child) a discussion regarding the grade assuming you are in a high-mood but your parents are in a low-mood
13 Additional Parent Information Examples of things you may not realize but could improve your relationship with your child and give them increased self- esteem 1. The feeling is everything! 2. When parents’ minds are calm and clear, they know what to do in nearly every difficulty because they can access their wisdom & common sense 3. What parents see is what they get 4. In low-moods, their thinking can’t be trusted, and if they follow it, they will get in trouble (This goes for parents and children)
14 Additional Parent Information Examples continued: 5. Kids misbehave for three reasons: 1) they are acting out of insecurity; 2) they are acting in a low/bad mood; 3) what the parents are requiring doesn’t make any sense to them 6. Most parents parent their kids as if their own parents were sitting on their shoulders barking out orders 7. Most parents don’t really listen to their kids; they listen to their own thinking 8. Most parents try to teach kids their conclusions, instead of what’s behind their conclusions, so the kids don’t “get it” 9. Their children are already learning plenty from what the parents are doing, only it is not often what they would like their kids to be learning 10. Most parents think discipline means punishment or consequences, when it really means “to learn” (from the word disciple) Pransky, J. (2003). Prevention from the inside-out.
15 Conclusions The girls, and their parents will Understand that our THOUGHTS create our “reality” and what is reality to them is not reality to everyone else Understand that everyone has high-moods and low-moods and that it is best to face challenges when in a high-mood Understand that we are always thinking and we are capable of experiencing only what our thinking creates Understand that our consciousness allows us to experience our thoughts Understand that all three Principles must be present to experience anything
16 Conclusions - cont In addition, the parents will be able to discuss examples of things they may not have realized that can improve their relationships with their children Parents will understand the importance of self-esteem and how to encourage their children so their self-esteem will grow
17 Sources Girl Scouts of America. (2008) Girl Scout Program. Retrieved June 23, 2008, from I’m Glad I’m Me: Developing Self-Esteem in Young Children. Retrieved June 26, 2008, from Pransky, J. (1998). Modello: A story of Hope for the Inner City and Beyond. Cabot, VT. NEHRI Publications. Pransky, J. (2003). Prevention from the inside-out. 1stBooks Library.