Introducing the Vietnam War
Learning Targets Explain how the U.S. got involved in the Vietnam War. Compare and contrast the U.S. and NVA/Vietcong strategies. Predict the effectiveness of each plan.
Priming: A Soldier’s Experience A Soldier’s Experience
1954: Geneva Accords Ho Chi Minh Ngo Dinh DiemDivided at 17 th parallel Vietnam divided when French left North Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh & communist South Vietnam - Ngo Dinh Diem & anti- communist
Growing Problems 1. Diem’s leadership of South Vietnam Refused election Persecuted Buddhists Overthrown and followed by unstable gov’ts
Growing Problems Add walls and moat backfired 80% of countryside supported Vietcong 2. Growth of the Vietcong Vietcong (VC) = communist guerillas in S.Vietnam fighting the S. Vietnamese gov’t tried to fight with strategic hamlet plan(move villagers for “protection”)
U.S. Aids South By 1963, 16,000 American troops are Training in South Vietnam Eisenhower sent aid due to domino theory 1961: JFK follows with “military advisors”
Tonkin Gulf Resolution August 2, 1964: U.S. destroyer Maddox attacked in Tonkin Gulf
Tonkin Gulf Resolution Senate Vote: 88 to 2 “to take all necessary steps, including the use of armed force…” Congress gave President Johnson (LBJ) war powers
Think, Pair, Share Explain why the United States got involved in Vietnam. Explain how the United States got involved with Vietnam. Should the U.S. have involved themselves in the conflict in your opinion?
American Escalation General William Westmoreland, U.S. Commander
American Escalation U.S. strategy: bomb North, ground troops in South 1968: 538, 000 U.S. troops
Operation Rolling Thunder 643,000 tons of bombs 5 times Hiroshima 3 years Air Force Chief of Staff Lemey about bombing them “back to the stone Age.” Bombing Raids of North Vietnam
Operation Rolling Thunder Dealt with 2,700 roads And tunnels NVA actually increased supply NVA Tung, “The bombs heightened rather than dampened our spirits.” Focused on Ho Chi Minh Trail (supply line for Vietcong and N.Vietnam) failed
Ground War Search and Destroy Missions: seek VC and destroyed villages Jungle warfare, so defoliants used (Agent Orange/Napalm)
NVA and Vietcong Commander of NVA – Vo Nguyen Giap 1965: Strategy shift to guerilla tactics, Giap against
NVA and Vietcong Tactics- tunneled base camps, booby traps, and punji spikes.
Journal Reflection Compare and contrast the U.S. strategies with the NVA and Vietcong strategies in a double bubble. U.S. strategies NVA & Vietcong strategies similarities differences
Think, Pair, Share Predict which side’s strategies will work best - the U.S. Strategies or the NVA & Vietcong strategies. Why?
Khe Sanh Important for intelligence on Ho Chi Minh Trail 40,000 NVA vs. 5,600 U.S. for over 2 mths. U.S. win, shows NVA resolve
Tet Offensive 100 towns and cities Attacked; 12 air bases attacked 42,000Vietcong casualties Massive attack by North on Vietnamese New Year Military victory for South/U.S. Morale victory for North