Brown Water Navies Inland Naval Operations During the American Civil War Naval Mines, Torpedo Boats and Submarine Warfare HY Spring 2010 Wayne E. Sirmon, M.A., M.A.Ed. University of South Alabama
US Navy Inland Navy Contributions Riverine fleet Mobile artillery Troop movement Logistics
US Navy Inland Navy Contributions Ironclads Mobile artillery 6 x 32#, 3 x 8”, 4 x 42#, 1 x 12#
US Navy Inland Navy Contributions Tinclads Mobile artillery (2 x 30#, 4 x 24#) Troop movement Logistics
US Navy Inland Navy Contributions Commercial Vessels Troop movement Logistics
Naval Mines “Torpedoes”
Naval Mines “Torpedoes”
Naval Mines “Torpedoes”
USS Montauk Keg Torpedo USS Cario Command detonated Demijohn
USS Tecumseh Fretwell-Singer Mine
Medals of Honor Battle of Mobile Bay 83 Sailors 83/307 = 27% 8 Marines 8/17 = 47%
Union Ships Sunk or Damaged By Confederate Torpedoes Vessels Sunk 2912,734 tons Serious Damage 55,183 tons Minor Damage 89,868 tons
Union Ships Sunk/Serious Damaged by CS Torpedoes 18621/0512 tons 18632/45,605 tons /07,124 tons /14,676 tons 5 months
Union Ships Sunk in Mobile Bay and Delta Vessels 1034% Displacement 3,924 tons31%
Federal Submarine Efforts
Torpedo Boats David St. Patrick Usually steam, semi submersible Spar or trailing torpedo
The Final Mission