Order of the Arrow Troop Representative and Advisor
Responsibilities of the Youth The OA Troop Representative serves as the primary link between the troop and the lodge/chapter. This link is meant to serve as a means of two-way communication between the troop and the lodge/chapter. Arranges with the lodge/chapter election teams to conduct an annual OA election for the troop at a time approved by the Patrol Leaders Council. Participates in Court of Honor, at the request of the SPL, in regards to the recognition of OA member awards and achievement (ie. Changes in OA honor/leadership and inductions). May be included as a member of the PLC at the discretion of the SPL. Should aim to help the troop work towards awards available within the Order (ie. OA Unit of Excellence Award).
Qualifications Must be under the age of 18. Position is appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader with Scoutmaster approval. Must be an OA Member in good standing. Serves for a 12 month period after being appointed.
Responsibilities of the Adult Support the OA Troop Representative and help them to fully understand the needs of the unit and ways that the chapter/lodge can help support the unit. Promote the incorporation of OA ideals into the advancement program of the unit, in unit leader conferences, boards of review and courts of honor. Attend lodge/chapter meetings with the OA Troop Representative. Assist the OA Troop Representative in conveying information from the lodge/chapter to the troop.
Qualifications Must be a unit assistant leader or committee member at least 21 years old. Appointed by the Scoutmaster with the approval of the unit Committee Chairman. Must be an OA Member in good standing. Reports to the Troop Scoutmaster.
Information for the Troop Lodge/Chapter annual calendar. Unit Elections. Camp Promotions. Community Service Opportunities. Invitations to Ordeal members to obtain Brotherhood. Invitations to candidates to attend their Ordeal. Encourage OA members to be active in their Lodge/Chapter.
Information for the Lodge/Chapter Calendar of troop events. Requests for assistance with training. Requests for assistance with service project opportunities. Significant changes in leadership within the troop. Whether or not OA Members plan on participating in Lodge/Chapter functions. Any feedback on ways to improve the Lodge/Chapter operations.
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