September 2013 Cholla Leader Meeting
Craft Basics 101 SWAPS 101 Holiday SWAPS Exchange
Craft Basics Test Sample Set-Up Back-up Project
Lollipop Spiders Tootsie pops Pipe cleaners Googly eyes
Brownie Skeletons Brownie Bites Lollipop stick White chocolate covered pretzels Big marshmallows Black icing Cupcake liner
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SWAPS badge Learn the history of SWAPS SWAPS Etiquette Different types of SWAPS
Basic SWAPS Get Ideas from: Google Pinterest Each girl makes own to exchange. Don’t make 14 sets of the same SWAP to exchange Include: Troop #, level Date Location Name of event For example: Brownie Troop 44 Chandler Holiday Light Parade December 2013
Camping SWAPS Google Pinterest
Great arriving activity Sample SWAPS set-up in stations Teach a few girls – have those girls teach other girls
International Thinking Day SWAPS
Holiday SWAPS
SWAPS Banner
Arizona SWAPS & Crafts Troop 44 participated in a SWAPS exchange with a troop from Georgia
Exchange Details Troops agree to exchange holiday SWAPS with other troops Make enough SWAPS so each girl will receive one For example Troop 123 has 11 girls – Troop makes 14 SWAPS Troop 44 has 14 girls – Troop makes 11 SWAPS Can be the same – do not need to make individual sets Sign-up to SWAP by October 4 th Troops will be notified October 5th of total # of SWAPS/Troops Bring SWAPS to November Leader meeting Fun to also include a letter and picture of troop If interested,