Troop Users
Each user is given access based on their needs. When you “Log In” you will be given access only to what you need to. Troop users will have access to their troop or troops’ information. You can use one for all troops you are affiliated with.
Users Change password, answer security questions and enter personal information
Answer your security questions and you will be able to reset your password here. Then you can return to login page with new password
Navigating the System Navigation Tree Entry Form Tabs Navigation Tree – If you are responsible for multiple troops the system will display the troop numbers. Otherwise, you will not see a navigation tree Entry Form Tabs – Tabs are selected for you to perform the actions needed. The tabs display forms for troops are different than for the service unit
Dashboard Troop Checklist, checks off items includes council specific items Messages from your council and/or service unit. Calendar includes council-specific dates
Troop Contact Information You can edit your information and also change your password by entering in your current password and your new password. You can also change the answers to your security questions.
Entering Information: Settings Tab Click edit settings. This is where you will add any additional troop users and update your troop goal information.
Entering Information: Settings Tab If you have a Cadette, Senior or Ambassador Troop that would like to Opt out of prizes, check this box. Enter in # Girls Registered, # Girls Selling, Level, Troop Goal
Entering Girl Information GSUSA Id, Cookie Club Login, Sales Goal are optional. Enter each girl’s shirt size (important for Initial Reward Order, if earned).
Cookie Names in eBudde SvSm: Savannah Smiles Tre: Trefoils D-S-D: Do-si-dos Sam: Samoas Tags: Tagalongs Tmint: Thin Mint
Troop Initial Orders Here is where you will enter your troop’s Initial Order. You will enter in PACKAGES for each girl and eBudde will round up to make whole cases. The last line shows the extra boxes from the rounding up.
1. Click on girl name 2. Enter order 3. Ok Ok or Save – Save worksheet and continue adding information for each girl Submit Order – Do this AFTER you have entered every girl’s order, booth or other. Once you submit order to service unit CANNOT make changes. Entering Troop’s Cookie Order: Girl Totals
Entering Troop’s Cookie Order: Booth Totals 2. Double-Click in the entry line 1. Click the other or booth line 3. Ok Ok or Save – Save worksheet and continue adding information for each girl Submit Order – Do this AFTER you have entered every girls order, booth order and other order. Once you submit order to service unit, CANNOT make changes.
Delivery Information 3. Delivery Station will be either a Mega Drop (North or South) if your Service Unit participates or your Service Units Delivery Station. 1. Select who is picking up the order. 2. Select if you are picking up another troops order or if you are only picking up your troop. 4. Submit your info.
Delivery Information: Confirmation Page This page shows up after you enter your delivery information and click on “View Confirmation.”
Girl Orders: Troop View Click on each girl to pull up her individual worksheet. Remember this is in PACKAGES
Difference- If positive number that is what you NEED to fill orders. If negative that is what you have in your CURRENT INVENTORY.
Girl Orders: Girl View Enter Operation Cookies here. Remember these ADD to girl totals. Enter Helping Hero cookies here. Remember these DO NOT ADD to girl totals (they are already included).
Girl Orders: Girl Transaction 2. Enter activity information 4. Save 3. Ok 1. Enter Op Ck: Operation Cookies Enter Hero: Helping Hero Enter in Payments Allows you to easily switch between girls. Remember you need to SAVE before switching.
Girl Orders: Adding JUST Girl Payment 1. Add Payment 2. Enter Activity 3. Enter Payment Amount 4. Save
Entering Pending Troop Order to Cupboard Remember this is in CASES
Pending Cupboard Orders: Product Transaction Form 1. Know the dates that you can pickup from your Service Unit. 2. Select your SERVICE UNIT CUPBOARD 3. Enter the number of CASES you want 4. Ok
After you click Ok, your order will show here. It will be marked as Pending until your SUCM confirms that you have received your cookies. Must click Save before leaving this tab. Entering Pending Troop Order to Cupboard
Entering Pending Troop Order to Cupboard: Info tab In this tab you can see who placed an order to the Service Unit Cupboard, the time and date and when it was approved.
Troop Rewards
Entering Initial Reward: (if eligible with PGA of 150 boxes)
1. Verify you are in Initial Reward Order 2. Shirt size should already be entered under Girls Tab. 3. Order 1 FREE shirt for Troop Cookie Coordinator, if you want extra it will be $8 for each shirt. 4. Make sure to select size for Troop Cookie Coordinator. 5. Submit
Entering Final Reward
Edit All allows you to edit all the girls on one screen Edit All Girl Rewards
1.Review each girl’s order, make any selections for those that sell 1,000+ boxes 2.Click Submit
Troop Reward Order: Total by Troop Shows all items the troop will receive. If you have FIRST TIME 1,000+ seller, you will enter the number of sterling bracelets needed here. Once you are finished reviewing click submit. You will enter your volunteer patch on this page, it will be listed at the end of the reward list.
Select a girl OR You can Edit Each Individual Girl Reward Order
Individual Girl Reward Order Verify and click submit, you will do this for each girl.
Troop Reward Order: Total by Troop Shows all items the troop is getting. If you have FIRST TIME 1,000+ seller, you will enter the number of sterling bracelets needed here. Once you are finished reviewing click submit. You will enter your volunteer patch on this page, it will be listed at the end of the reward list.
Troop Deposits Here you will enter in all troop deposits and Council will enter in the ACH drafts after they happen.
1. Select Troop Bank Account 2. Enter the date 3. Add a Ref. number if you choose, Credit Card Sale, Girl Deposit, etc. 4. Enter Payment Amount 5. Ok
Line has been added to the worksheet. Click Save when done adding transactions.
Troop Sales Recap