The Essentials of Fall 2013 Barbara Quintiliano Falvey Memorial Library x
2 American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Available at the Villanova University Shop and at Falvey Library: REF BF76.7.P
Where to find elements of a journal citation Article title authors journal title year volume issue inclusive paging subtitle 3
Inclusive paging Year of publication Journal title in italics All important words have initial capital. Journal title in italics. All important words have initial capital. Article title. Only 1 st word of title and subtitle have initial capitals, as well as proper nouns and adjectives. Additional lines indented 5 spaces under first line. Gifford, E. J., Wells, R., Bai, Y., Troop, T. O., Miller, S., & Babinski, L. M. (2010). Pairing nurses and social workers in schools: North Carolina’s school-based child and family support teams. Journal of School Health, 80(2), doi: /j x 4 Authors – no first names – initials ONLY. Separated by commas. Ampersand (&) required before last author Volume number in italics. Issue number in parentheses, no italics. Information as found in CINAHL database. As an APA 6 th style citation DOI number (see next 4 slides for more info)
DOI number DOI = digital object identifier – a unique number that identifies an electronic resource, used especially for journal articles REQUIRED as the last element of the citation, if it is known 5
6 DOI number can usually be found in the expanded database record.
No DOI number available? Here’s what to do: Hover mouse over journal abbreviation to get its full title. Do a Google Search for the journal’s website. Copy the URL of the homepage. 7
Add it to the citation Rabbitt, A., & Coyne, I. (2012). Childhood obesity: Nurses’ role in addressing the epidemic. British Journal of Nursing, 21(12), Retrieved from 8 Notice also that we do not alphabetize the names of the authors. Authors’ names are listed in the order in which they are found in our source. Citations that continue for more than one line should have double-spacing, unless your course professor gives other instructions.
No author? 9 When there is no author indicated, begin your citation with the title, followed by the date: Dimensions of health-related lifestyle in young adulthood. (2002). Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 21(3), Retrieved from
However, remember that an organization can also be the author: 10 Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. (2013). Approved: Primary care medical home certification option for hospitals. Joint Commission Perspectives, 33(1), 6-7. doi: /j.jvir
Now you try: Create a citation in APA 6 th style for this citation: 11 See slide # 29 for correct answer. doi:
Special rule: When there are more than 7 authors 12 List first 6 authors, then 3 ellipsis dots (...) followed by LAST author. et al. NO AMPERSAND. DO NOT USE et al. Coleman, E. A., Goodwin, J. A., Kennedy, R., Coon, S. K., Richards, K., Enderlin, C.,... Anaissie, E. J. (2012). Effects of exercise on fatigue, sleep, and performance: A randomized trial. Oncology Nursing Forum, 39(5), doi: /12.ONF
Elements of a book citation title subtitle authors city of publication, state*, publisher, year edition (if other than the 1 st ) 13 * APA 6 th style now requires adding the 2-letter postal abbreviation for the state following the name of the city.
A book citation in APA 6 th style Notice where italics are used and where capitals are used in the title and subtitle. 14 Blais, K., & Hayes, J.S. (2011). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives (6 th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Chapter in an edited book (anthology) 15 Sometimes you will use information taken from an anthology, a book containing chapters written by various authors. These books will have one or more editors (who may also be authors of one or more of the chapters). Here is how to format a citation when you have used information from a particular chapter: Rycroft-Malone, J, & Bucknall, T. (2010). Evidence-Based practice: Doing the right thing for patients. In J. Rycroft-Malone & T. Bucknall (Eds.), Models and frameworks to implementing evidence-based practice: Linking evidence to action (pp. 1-20). Malden, MA: Wiley. Note the use of Note also the page numbers preceded by Note the use of In and (Eds). Note also the page numbers preceded by pp.
Elements of a Web document citationURL author title Date (of creation of latest update) 16
Citation in APA 6 th style for a Web document National Human Genome Institute. (2011, October 13). Frequently asked questions about genetic testing. Retrieved from If you cannot find a date of creation or update, use (n.d.) 17
Your turn:book website: 18 Note, the letters MN following the author’s name indicate “master of nursing.” DO NOT include academic titles such as this one in your citation. Answers on slide #30
List of References List citations alphabetically by name of first author, regardless of List citations alphabetically by name of first author, regardless of where you cite them in your paper. where you cite them in your paper. Unless otherwise instructed by your professor, citations should be Unless otherwise instructed by your professor, citations should be double-spaced when they continue for more than one line, and double-spaced when they continue for more than one line, and double-spacing should also be used between citations. double-spacing should also be used between citations Retrieved from
Documenting your sources Sources that you use must be documented In the text AND in your list of References at the end of the paper Sources that you use must be documented When you use an exact quotation AND when you paraphrase information (= put the author’s ideas into your own words) 20
Basic format for in-text citation Must include Last name of authors Two authors: Yanovsky & Yanovsky Three to five authors: Identify ALL authors the first time you cite them. Then use first author and et al. after that: 1 st time cited: Rossi, Kirk, & Holder Later: Rossi et al. Six or more authors: first author followed by et al. Year of publication must For an exact quotation, you must add the page number Adding page number(s) to citation for paraphrase is also recommended. 21
Basic style for documenting an exact quotation: As researchers have explained, obesity was once considered “either a moral failing or evidence of underlying psychopathology” (Yanovsky & Yanovsky, 2002, p. 592). Research and Documentation Online RES5e_ch09_s html 22
Another style for documenting an exact quotation: Research and Documentation Online 23 Here the names of the authors have been used as part of the sentence, so we add just the year in parentheses and the page numbers in parentheses at the end.
Example of documenting paraphrased information. In-text citation still required: Two of the medications—fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine—were withdrawn from the market because of severe side effects (Yanovski & Yanovski, 2002, p. 38). See the APA Style Manual or Research and Documentation Online ( for more guidelines on in-text citations. 24
But what if I used an electronic source and don’t have any page numbers? Whenever possible, download the pdf version of a journal article, which will provide page numbers. paragraphnumbers If you are paraphrasing or citing from a web document without page numbers, it is recommended that you number the paragraphs and then cite paragraph numbers in your citations, as in the example below. Research and Documentation Online RES5e_ch09_s html Several other drugs were classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration as having the “potential for abuse” (Hoppin & Taveras, 2004, Weight-Loss Drugs section, para. 6). 25
Software that will create your list of references for you and will also create in-text references as you type your paper! Access at the Falvey homepage under Databases A-Z Look on library homepage for drop-in classes, or follow the tutorials on the RefWorks website View videos on RefWorks on Nursing Resources page Contact or 26
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Available at the Villanova University Shop and at Falvey Library: REF BF76.7.P The Basics of APA Style © (Also has formatting information regarding margins, headings, etc.) Research and Documentation Online – APA section (Lots of good examples) APA Style Blog (Great for finding answers to nitty-gritty questions!) Resources 27
Need more help? Barbara Quintiliano Nursing Librarian X95207 ( ) 28 See next 2 slides for solutions to questions on slides #11 and 18.
Answers to examples on slides 29 Wagner, D. T., Barnes, C. M., Lim, V. K. G., & Ferris, D. L. (2012). Lost sleep and cyberloafing: Evidence from the laboratory and a daylight saving time quasi-experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(5), doi: /a Technical note: The issue number is usually omitted if page numbers are continuous beginning with the first issue of a volume. So in the more correct version of the above citation would be written like this: Journal of Applied Psychology, 97, Instructors in certain academic departments (notably psychology) are more insistent upon this rule than others. When in doubt, ask your instructor. (from slide #11)
30 Butts, J. B., & Rich, K. (2008). Nursing ethics: Across the curriculum and into practice (2d ed). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Book citation: Website citation: For this website, we applied the guidelines illustrated in For this website, we applied the guidelines illustrated in Research and Documentation Online: Research and Documentation Online: Sherman, C. (2010). Shyness. Retrieved from (from slide #18)